Sad face after trying to update to latest version

Hi there,

Today I tried to update my RPi2 to the latest OSMC version (last time I did that was in November I think) but unfortunately it’s giving me a sad face again. Does anybody have an idea as to what the reason could be? here’s the logfile.

I’ve tried to update through apt-get dist-upgrade as updating through te GUI never actually works for me.

thanks in advance!

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I did that but

sudo systemctl stop mediacenter mv ~/.kodi ~/.kodi-backup sudo systemctl start mediacenter

Didn’t do anything. Still giving me the sad face. I tried all the suggestions I could find.

Then provide the output of grab-logs -A

I did that in my original post. But here it is again, a fresh output:

This is the same error from your log.

To be fair, you only provided that info in a ninja edit after/while I made my first response.

I didn’t edit my first post…

Anyway, the conclusion is that my SD is corrupt?