Scraping wrong file type

Taking a stab at this, unsure if it will work though. Move all Files out of userdata except sources.xml do NOT move the folders. Reboot then retry the add/remove for the smb source.If you use WinSCP you can browse the filesystem in a gui environment

You’ll have to raise that to 14.x for shared lib to work. That’s what I would do and I’d only ever allow this machine to do the scraping and turn all scraping off on the pi.

Let me play with this stuff and report back. I have to meet up with a guy at 11:15. I appreciate everyone’s help on this.

I have considered doing a 14 upgrade for a while. I just never did since my system worked perfectly (except for BluRay menus - not that important).

Thanks again!

I love my MySql setup, I have anywhere from 5 to 10 installs running at times with no issues. And I can setup a Pi in about 10 minutes from a bare sd card