SD card stuck in readonly

I am posting here because those two SD cards are used in RaspBerry pi3 with osmc installed. So I thought somebody here would have faced the similar issue and help me out.


I’ve found recently with windows 10 before I can write a new image to sd card, I have to format it first with:

I’m pretty sure its a Windows 10 issue, being as I can write images after formatting with formatter_4; I’ve not investigated further.

Maybe worth asking over at, similar issue here:

Thanks Tom.

Interesting. Had a user experiencing the same problem but haven’t been able to get on TeamViewer to look in to it.

Can you confirm if the Registry change resolves the issue?


Hi Sam,

Not tried it yet, as quite happy with using sd card formatter. But will try it later today and post back.

Thanks Tom.

Hi Sam,

I can confirm adding the following to regedit:

Create the following key:


Create a DWORD (32-bit) Value called WriteProtect within the newly created key and leave the value as 0.

I can write to sd card cards and run osmc installer with out formatting first.

source: How to enable write protection for USB devices on Windows 10 | Windows Central

@sivabalan83 If you wish to use the sd card for something other osmc would still recommended for formatting with sd card formatter first.

Thanks Tom.

Let’s continue this conversation in Slack.

Yes… i can confirm this works. I have used whit another SD about one week ago obtain the write error on windows 10.
Create this registry keys… unmont the sd… remount and i can re-format whitout any problems.

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I produced a build a few days ago but it didn’t yield positive results. It’s interesting to know that the card needs to be remounted.


If you guys could revert the registry changes and try the OSMC Installer here, it would be appreciated.

Please reboot after editing the registry.


mmmmmmm… i can’t. I have used this whit an SD of a friend of mine and for one things totally external to osmc or raspberry…