Setting up a Vero 4K with new installation - wifi problem

I am in an environment with several wifi aps, all with several SSIDs, four of which are hidden.
(I know, I set them all up)
When I try and connect to a hidden SSID only one is shown with hidden (psk) and trying to connect fails.

Two other hidden devices are shown with poor signal and either wep or no security.

It seems likely that the hidden SSID is for another subnet but as only one with 6 blobs has psk and this is not the right one, how may I find the other hidden SSIDs. They are all on all the APs so signal strength should be the same for all.
Any ideas other than forcing a static IP?


I suggest trying to connect to the hidden ssid(s) via the commandline:-

Regards Tom.

Hi Tom,
Difficult to ssh when I do not have the IP. I have “borrowed” a switch port and used wired connection for now. Interesting question though.
Many thanks for the help.

I wrote too soon as usual. Either I have made a mistake or my notes are wrong. I now have the connection working on the IP I had used with this device but an older installation so I can see the device and run the update using the remote but when I try and connect using ssh I get connection refused.

Since I have not set anything up yet I can reinstall but how can I do this?

I have sorted out my problem. SSH was not enabled earlier.
Sorry to have taken your time.

There is a sequel to this thread. My APs use WPA2/WPA3 Personal security with AES encryption.
The only way I could get the wifi connection to work was to remove the Hidden configuration on the AP for the SSID. I could then see the required SSID and connect. I then went back to the AP and enabled the Hidden setting.
I am not sure if this is a defect of the connection manager or the Vero 4K device firmware. Not a problem for me but difficult if you do not have administration rights for the AP.
Just FYI.

Sounds like a defect of the WiFi AP firmware. Try seeing if an update is available