Share files on 2 vero+'s

That means that the automounter isn’t running. Either run the command from another window manually, or start the service. Best for testing would be to run it manually until you get it working.

have got it running in a new window, get the message failed to mount

mount_mount: mount(generic): calling mkdir_path /media/MyMedia
mount_mount: mount(generic): calling mount -t cifs -o
rw,username=osmc,password=osmc,iocharset=utf8,uid=osmc,gid=osmc // /media/MyMedia

mount error: could not resolve address for Unknown error
mount(generic): failed to mount // (type cifs) on /media/MyMedia
dev_ioctl_send_fail: token = 26
failed to mount /media/MyMedia

I noticed that before in the map, but didn’t think it would matter, but looks like the leading zero is confusing the automounter. Try instead.

I assume you mean in the shares file, if so no different.

The proper term is a map, not a shares file. Paste the new version here please.

Are you sure you have the correct IP? Can you ping it?

/media/MyMedia -fstype=cifs,rw,username=osmc,password=osmc,iocharset=utf8,uid=osmc,gid=osmc ://

You didn’t answer my other questions.

I have to leave now for work. Maybe someone else will pick this up. If not, I’ll help you more when I get home tonight.

Sorry I had to break off for dinner.
Pinged ok.
Thanks, have a good shift.


Please provide the contents of:


Thanks Tom.


# Sample auto.master file

# This is a 'master' automounter map and it has the following format:

# mount-point [map-type[,format]:]map [options]

# For details of the format look at auto.master(5).


#/misc /etc/auto.misc


# NOTE: mounts done from a hosts map will be mounted with the

# "nosuid" and "nodev" options unless the "suid" and "dev"

# options are explicitly given.


#/net -hosts


# Include /etc/auto.master.d/*.autofs

# The included files must conform to the format of this file.




# Include central master map if it can be found using

# nsswitch sources.


# Note that if there are entries for /net or /misc (as

# above) in the included master map any keys that are the

# same will not be seen as the first read key seen takes

# precedence.



/- /etc/auto.nfs.shares --timeout 15 browse

Don’t know why it came out in that format…


I’ve fixed the formatting,

Please try this:

Replace this:

/- /etc/auto.nfs.shares --timeout 15 browse


/- /etc/auto.smb.shares --timeout 15 browse

Then issue:

sudo mv /etc/auto.nfs.shares /etc/auto.smb.shares

Try manually running autofs and in another terminal window:

ls -l /media/MyMedia/Movies

And post the output here.

Thanks Tom.

Starting automounter version 5.1.2, master map /etc/auto.master
using kernel protocol version 5.02
lookup_nss_read_master: reading master file /etc/auto.master
do_init: parse(sun): init gathered global options: (null)
lookup_read_master: lookup(file): read entry +dir:/etc/auto.master.d
lookup_nss_read_master: reading master dir /etc/auto.master.d
lookup(dir): dir map /etc/auto.master.d missing or not readable
lookup(file): failed to read included master map dir:/etc/auto.master.d
lookup_read_master: lookup(file): read entry +auto.master
lookup_nss_read_master: reading master files auto.master
do_init: parse(sun): init gathered global options: (null)
lookup(file): failed to read included master map auto.master
lookup_read_master: lookup(file): read entry /-
master_do_mount: mounting /-
automount_path_to_fifo: fifo name /var/run/autofs.fifo–
lookup_nss_read_map: reading map file /etc/auto.smb.shares
do_init: parse(sun): init gathered global options: (null)
mounted direct on /media/MyMedia with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds
do_mount_autofs_direct: mounted trigger /media/MyMedia
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 0 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-
st_expire: state 1 path /-
expire_proc: exp_proc = 4102026320 path /-
expire_cleanup: got thid 4102026320 path /- stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 4102026320 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /-

Tom, I used sudo systemctl stop autofs, then sudo automount -f -v -d
I presume this was correct

sorry my bad missed the movies command. will do again

here you go
ls: cannot access ‘/media/MyMedia/Movies’: No such file or directory



Whats the output of:

smbclient -L -U osmc

Thanks Tom.

-bash: smbclient: command not found

sudo apt-get install smbclient

installed. do you want the output? or shall I run smbclient -L -U cosmic again