Subtitles rendering across multiple frames

I don’t suppose anyone has managed to test whether v20 fixes this issue yet?

I’m currently working on some subtitle related issues and that one is still on the my todo list :slight_smile: . With Kodi 20 I was not able to reproduce it yet, but tbh, I’ve been focusing on easier solvable issues first.

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Is this fully solved now in Kodi 20 ?

I’m sorry, no :frowning: . I’m currently looking at that issue …

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Does anyone know if that issue also exists on other devices, eg. RPI or Windows running Kodi 19/20?

I just want to give you an update. I’m still investigating that issue and I’m pretty sure that I know what’s causing it. It seems it was introduced with the switch to kernel 4.9.

The problem seems to be located in the userland GPU library. Unfortunately, that library is closed source and we don’t have access to that code, so we can’t change/fix it. I’ve also tried to implement a workaround, and that made it slightly better, but also introduced some skipped frames as side effect :frowning: . The adventure continues …


Any chance the owner of that library will be any help in troubleshooting/getting a fix?

Unlikely as the focus will be on newer hardware. There may be a couple of library step throughs we can do.

There are newer libraries but they had their own issues with video playback…

Will the issue be fixed on vero v ?

Is this issue fixed on vero V ? If not who do i have to write to fix that issue ?

Whom do i have to write to ask about that closed library source ?

What are you trying to achieve with that “write to”? As indicated it is closed source and Amlogic do not open up on that nor do they put big intention on fixes.

The Vero 4K+ will get Kodi v21 and then we will EOL it when we move to a full 64-bit environment. We will give plenty of notice and recommend customers upgrade to Vero V.

Is that issue on Vero V now fixed or do i need to wait for an update ?

I hope that my upcoming lipsync issue fixes also fix this one.

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Any possible ETA on that ?
And i am still using an very old old osmc version on my vero 4k to not get that subtitles issue. Which is the lastest version can i upgrade which not has that issue ?

The slightly snarky answer would be “when it’s ready” :grin:

Keep an eye out in the currently active audio sync thread for a testing update notification. The issues are still very actively being worked on but haven’t quite made it to the stage that it is ready for wider testing. There should be something before too long which will come in the form of a notice by Sam most likely in that thread.

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I’ll let you know personally :+1:

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Give the staging repository a go. I’ve put some instructions in the audio sync issue thread.

@sam_nazarko Might you expect the subtitle rendering issue to be fixed on the Vero 4K with the staging release, or is this for Vero V only?