Support OSMC on Odroid C2

Well, the OSMC skin is something you also could install on other Kodi distributions.
While OSMC for me is something more than just the skin.

i wasn’t talking about the skin per se :slight_smile: i want the whole experience :wink:

Maybe it comes to the C2 when Santa Claus shows up

I’ve tried LibreElec on the Odroid C2, and it works quite well. I played a number of 4K movies on a Samsung UHD TV with no problems or noticable artifacts.
I can’t vouch for the quality of the underlying OS, but the results seem pretty good.
I’m hoping that OSMC gets put on the C2, as I’ve got a network management system for updating RPIs running OSMC and I’d like to keep using it - otherwise I’ll have to rework it for LibreElec. I especially like the OSMC update mechanism.
Just for amusement, I also tried Odroid Ubuntu. It had more problems, but generally worked well. VLC didn’t work well, but Kodi was flawless.The Ubuntu desktop was 1080p (on a 4K TV) which is a bit disappointing.
I now have 4 C2’s and am ordering more ($40 each, only $5 more than RPI 3), and all RPI cases, power supplies, remotes, etc, seem to work just fine. The C2 gets a bit hotter than an RPI3, especially when playing 4K, but I had no problems with or without a fan. For $10, there is a nice RPI/C2 case with a small fan.

I realy wich there would be a version of OSMC for the C2.
Libreelec is near to be closed to any manual soft install when OSMC allow use to run things in background of Kodi.


Hi. Could you point me in the right direction for someone who would like to start building OSMC for the Odroid-C2? I run an Arch Linux Samba/Subsonic/LAMP server on x86-64. Could I build it there?

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I have added support for Aarch64 for core libraries and applications already. You would just need to build these.

I would recommend the following process:

  • Set up an APT repository, using something like reprepro.
  • Build all of the AArch64 packages under package/
  • Create a ‘odroidc2-device-osmc’ metapackage based on another device metapackage
  • Create an ODroid C2 filesystem, depending on the odroidc2-device-osmc

The only tricky part might be building Kodi or CEC libraries, but I can help you with that.


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Thanks for the help Sam. I’m going to give it a try this week. I appreciate it.

Would it be easier to just build directly on Ubuntu/Debian? I can either build a Debian/Ubuntu VM on Arch or just install a fresh OS on a spare SSD.

Yes – I have never tested with Arch before, but you’d be missing some core utilities (debootstrap). I recommend 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04.

any update on this?


I’m not sure why this thread is being bumped, it has been made quite clearthat there is no intention to support the Odroid C2 officially. @sam_nazarko’s post on Oct 2 advises on how you might produce your o2n version of OSMC for that hardware, and that is probably as far as official support will extend.

There is nothing wrong with using this thread to report and share your progress in getting this working yourself, but please don’t just bump it, it won’t change the situation.

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Well I know that a some people are trying to make a build and I was wondering if there was any update. But yes you are right, my bad, since this is under “feature requests” and C2 won’t be supported officially.

@Chelhydra please stop bumping this thread. if anyone is really that desperate for support supply a patch.