[TESTING] Kodi v21 release builds

Fixed indeed! Thank you very much!!

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Thanks for confirming.

Many thanks.
All is now well with streaming HD from my Satellite Box.

I know not helpful, but the switch to Kodi 21 in Libreelec and the resulting instability was the final nail for me to get rid of libreelec and switch to OSMC. Please take your time to make it stable!

Thanks for your great work!

Kodi 21.1 is released public…

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Github changelog:

I don’t think posting information the OSMC team already has is going to make the release happen any faster.


Did not mean to make any pressure on anybody. Just let to know all on forum that 21.1 is already released.

Sam is part of the Kodi Developers, so he knows for sure … they are probably working as hard as they can to get this live.


We are indeed. Aiming for a weekend release, but there’s one final issue we are investigating.



Can you please check on Kodi development why new translations (Slovenian language) are not included in new releases (v21 and v21.1). Is this different project as main project?

You could ask that question in the Kodi forum. There’s a section that is dedicated to translations:


The short story is that all the translations are done by volunteers. There were some new strings for Kodi 21, so if nobody translated them to a particular language, they aren’t there. The fallback language is British English, so if a translation for a particular string isn’t available, you get the British English string.

Thank you. I make question and I hope that it will be resolved. Problem is that I completly translate default skin and settings etc… but still no update. So probably they will resolve it…

v21.1 working :+1:

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Thank you to all involved, all my units on stable 21.1


This thread is now closed as Kodi v21.1 is now released as a stable update. See: OSMC's August update is here with Kodi 21.1 - OSMC

Many thanks to those that tested!



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