[TESTING] Linux 4.9 kernel and improved video stack for Vero 4K / 4K +

Your device will be updating normally.

But because this is a special build that we are not ready to release yet, we are providing it via a separate repository. This allows us to get feedback without breaking anything significantly for those users that are interested in stability. When we’re confident that things are ready to release, we will then push it as a stable update.

You could try this update. If you have problems, you can re-install OSMC easily enough.

Please try the following instructions:

  • Go to My OSMC → Updates → Manual Controls → Enter Hotfix
  • Type ‘usofibunar’ exactly, without the quotation marks.
  • Press OK
  • When prompted, press OK again
  • After a few minutes, the system will reboot.

Now, go to My OSMC → Updates, → Manual Controls → Check for Updates now. When prompted, install the updates.

Your system will then reboot itself again.

Now go to Settings → System Info and it should show 4.9.113 as the kernel version. This means you are updated.

Now, 3D MVC files should be working.

We are trying to collate all of the 3D feedback in one place, so issues / queries with that should go here: 3D Frame Packed output.

Let me know how you get on.

