[TESTING] Linux 4.9 kernel and improved video stack for Vero 4K / 4K +

It’s everything. The OSD AND the movie. It’s just easiest to see in the pictures with the OSD up.

Sorry, bad copy/paste. I did the command you mentioned (I checked the command history). When I went to copy/paste here I grabbed my last command, which was using nano just to check to see that something had gotten into that file.

cat does it quicker


First of all, of course, thank you for brilliant work regarding 3d mvc.

I have a problem with buffering at 4k iso. Playback starts immediately without buffering. But if you jump to the next chapter manually, it is buffered and the playback mostly stops. 3d mvc discs work fine. The extracted m2ts File also works perfectly. Could only be related to the iso container. The whole thing regardless of whether autofs (smb, cif), native (smb, nfs) or USB. Since the problems also occur via USB, I exclude my Gigabit network connection as the cause.

The log file is attached.

thanks and regards


Question - Is anyone having trouble playing 480p DVD rips (re-encoded using H264 / H265)?

Interesting question, yes. My R1 film DVDs are all detelecined via Handbrake to 480/24. I just tried a few under 4.9, and they all have flaky playback start: Kodi seems to be unsure, the framerate is switched to 24p, then the Kodi GUI comes back, then the playback actually starts. I found one title for which playback would not start at all. These files have been on my NAS for years and have never had problems before. At least they are mainly playing, but it’s not a clean start.

Lots of info missing here. What resolution are you expecting these videos to play at, are you using a whitelist and do you have adjust display refresh rate set?

Logs would tell us most of that.

I’ve also seen some issues with 480p DVD -> h265 rips (which I think was the issue mentioned a couple weeks ago), in that with HW acceleration turned on, when the video plays, it frequently (usually?) immediately goes back to the UI with no video or sound from the playing media (though it appears to be actually “playing” – the “currently playing” display in my skin shows it playing with the timer going up, and the log shows it’s playing). if I flip back and forth between the UI and “full-screen” view (with the button I programmed on my remote for that purpose) I can usually get it to the full-screen view (which is blank and no sound) but if I then skip forward 10s, I get the video and sound to show up. Note that with HW-acceleration turned off, I don’t see any issues. (I’d note that I have acceleration set for “HD and up”, and 480p isn’t HD and up… )

Don’t know if that is what you’re referring to.

Yep, this is exactly the issue I’m having. Will post a log as soon as a get a chance.

Hmmm, the OSMC log uploader isn’t giving me a proper URL. It simply says:

URL: https://paste.osmc.tv/ < html >

Edit: Worked on the fourth try:


Usually that means the log is too large.
A reboot, reproducing the problem does the trick.


This is exactly the issue I’m currently working on. I do not need any logs anymore, I can reproduce it here. Stay tuned, a fix is already on its way …

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Your log is less than useful. Please use the recommended method for providing logs.

(2nd try, with proper - I hope - logs)

Hi, everyone

Dropping in to give a couple points of feedback on my experience with the test version, which I only moved to a week ago.

First and foremost, I’m getting trouble in playing back some content, with intermittent stuttering/skipping. I’m pasting a link to a log file that has Debug-level info for playing back a file that consistently does this:


Playback begins and is initially smooth, and a few seconds (5-10s) in starts to breakup, stuttering allot ; tough only the video skips, while the audio keeps playing without any hiccups.

Is it clear from the logs why this happens?

Another issue I’ve experienced, is that the UI is indeed allot smoother, especially after a reboot. After a while, though, things seem to bog down a bit, settling at a performance level very close to what’s now available in the stable release.

Thanks in advance for your insights.

Done. Thanks for the head’s up.

We will produce some new test builds soon.
I’m waiting for Kodi v18.7 first which should be ready for Saturday.


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Good morning, I don’t know English, I translate this with translate.google. so I apologize for the mistakes.
I have followed the instructions and have passed my new Vero 4K + to the Kernel 4.9.113-19-OSMC to be able to watch 3D MVC movies.
I have followed all the steps through windows with Putty.
Before updating, the 3d mvc movie played it in 2D.
After the update when trying to play the movie the Vero 4K + SHUTS OFF. and I have to disconnect it from the power and reconnect it to turn it on.
Someone else happens?
Is there any solution?
Thank you.

I moved your post here as it is the testing 4.19 thread

Does the LED become RED?

No, when I click on the 3d mvc movie, the Vero goes off directly. It does nothing at all, I have to turn off the power, and put it back to turn on.

That means it “just” losing HDMI signal not “shut down”.
Suggest you connect via SSH, guess the connection remains open.
You then could upload logs via grab-logs -A