[TESTING] Linux 4.9 kernel and improved video stack for Vero 4K / 4K +

While the report is nice, logs would be necessary to differentiate or confirm between other known issues or if it’s something that only affects certain peripheral devices or configurations.

Well if I restart vero to enable logging likely this will not happen , anyway I will give it a try and post logs.

i could reproduce issue again after several attempts , but when i try to upload logs:

however I have tested grab-logs -X(same outcome) and grab-logs -J this one returned some logs:


now I could upload logs with grab-logs -A


any news about a new build? Kodi 18.7 is out :blush:

We will release Kodi v18.7 shortly. I already started the rebase.

But there will be a break from 4.9 improvements for a while while we incorporate another large series of changes.


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Another large series of changes? Sounds interesting…

ok, so that means there will be a 4.9 kernel kodi 18.7 version soon and then no new build for a while till a large update will arrive? Or does that mean that there will be a kodi18.7 version with other improvements paralel for a while an then it will merged into a 4.9 kernel version later?

Meaning 4.9 testers won’t see whatever these changes are, or that they will be incorporated into 4.9 test builds as well?

We will leave the 4.9 builds for a while.

Shame, will postpone my movies with AAC further then

Currently, the signal to noise ratio for these builds suggests that it’s time to take a step back for a bit, collate all reported issues and solve what we can. Presently when we’re releasing a build, we’re getting a lot of users reporting that their issues still remain (we know this, because we haven’t had a chance to look at all the issues yet).

So I’d prefer we clean a few things up first and then do a build with a much larger number of changes.




Meaning, I’ll have to choose between whatever your interesting new features are and having working 3D playback. Oh well. :slightly_smiling_face:

You could just decline the v18.7 update if there’s nothing you personally want from it just yet, i.e. just select No when prompted for updates.

Do I understand it right, that the kodi 18.7 update wil be for the old kernel?

No, that’s not correct.

It’s not that it’s for the old kernel – you will still receive it as an update prompt. It’s just that we will push Kodi v18.7 to the stable repository shortly. There won’t be 4.9 specific changes for a while, but you can continue to update to Kodi v18.7 and use the 4.9 branch without issue.

So my reported contrast fix won’t be happening for awhile?

No – I haven’t had a chance to reproduce any problem there yet.

And if we released another build right now, I’m sure we’d get another post stating that it hasn’t been fixed. There are a number of outstanding issues that we want to check and try and fix first.

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ok. Should we report issues here nevertheless or should we wait for the next big update?

You can report new issues at any time. If you’ve found a playback issue like stuttering, or buffering then it would be good to wait for the next big update. We’re currently working on that kind of issues and have already fixed some. So there’s no need to report them until the next update.

@tanio99 and @sam_nazarko, sorry if this sounds like I’m nagging, but there are two issues I’d just like to check are on your list of known problems: one is a Kodi-level NFS source constantly dropping out (while the same NFS export works fine when mounted using autofs); the other is Kodi Callbacks not firing correctly when a key is pressed after idling. Obviously neither is remotely urgent, I just wanted to make sure they haven’t got lost in the noise.