[TESTING] Vero V: Dolby Vision TV led support

I should’ve been more clear: I just don’t have a laptop or PC nearby right now.

I feel like if you don’t have an ssh app on your phone you’re really not trying hard enough.



Just wait. It won’t be long until this is released as stable


Well, just in case you are not aware of this but I was able to identify what is causing this (on a high level). If I use the Arctic Horizon 2 skin, my DVP5 videos play in SDR output (despite the HDR10 logo popping up in the top right of my TV) and with wrong colors. If I switch to the OSMC skin, the DVP5 → HDR10 conversion works without issues, I get the HDR10 signal and the DoVi to HDR10 conversion produces accurate colors. Switching back to the Arctic skin and the same videos don’t work again.

Here’s my debug log after a restart, I played two test files (one MP4, one MKV, both DVP5):

And here’s the link to the skin:

Does that mean you guys were able to fix the previous saturation/brightness issue I pointed out a few days ago? That’d be awesome.

JuiceSSH is what I use all the time since ages ago, from Vero 1 (I still have that little white cube lying around), on my Android phone without the need for any laptop or PC.

Not yet but it shouldn’t be difficult. Just needs some time. The skin issue is … interesting. We’ll see what happens here with that skin.

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Skin looks much better tbh - not noticed any Donald Trump skin tones since the last update

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Here, I can reproduce the problem with Arctic Horizon. But if I switch back to the OSMC skin, the problem persists until I restart Kodi. Is that what you are seeing?

Edit: but if I go from Arctic Horizon to Estuary, everything plays OK. :thinking:

May be something about how Arctic Horizon uses the menu editor, which Estuary doesn’t have by default, but OSMC does.

During my testing I always restarted first after making some settings change. So probably that’s why it worked for me when I switched back to the OSMC skin.

I tried a different skin from the same creator (Arctic Fuse 2) and it seems to work. It really only seems to be the Arctic Horizon 2 skin that’s giving me this issue so far (which is my preferred skin, so if you have any tip what I could disable to get it to work, I’d appreciate it).

I’ve been using AH2 for sometime and have none of the issues you mentioned

You are converting Dolby Vision Profile 5 content to HDR10 using the Vero and it works? If I play DoVi Profile 5 content in actual Dolby Vision on the Vero, it works for me too. But not the conversion to HDR10 (which I currently prefer because of the mentioned saturation/brightness issues mentioned last week).

Yes, for some time as I inadvertently hadn’t set the dv toggle in the settings.

Looked perfect to me on my Vero V and LG C8.


I know it’s a garbage cell phone camera recording but if you look at blue you can see it’s right where you want it to be.
All other colors were equal in real life too, just not as easy to see with my cell phone camera .

I’m surprised because you also have an LG OLED. On my LG C2 and LG G3 DoVi is clipping while on the internal player and internal Kodi it doesn’t. Grahamh I believe also said he was able to notice the difference on his Philips OLED. Although the C8 is a good few years older, so maybe there’s something fundamentally different in its DoVi implementation.

I’m on a C1 and fine as I said

May I ask a clarifying question regarding this statement and Profile 7? It states ‘dual tracks are merged to a single track’ but also ‘FEL is discarded with BL + RPU used only’. These seem contradictory at first glance, or maybe I’m just not understanding what “dual tracks” is referring to - if FEL is being discarded, then what dual tracks are being merged? Does that mean it still works with MEL, and BL+MEL are merged and then sent to the TV as one + the RPU? Could you clarify how the player specifically handles MEL content versus FEL content?

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Profile 7 is dual layer. The two layers can be muxed into one track or on separate tracks. The metadata (RPU) is always on the second, ‘enhancement’ layer, which may be MEL (no video information) or FEL. If the signal is dual-track we have to merge the tracks to use the metadata with the base layer. But we can’t make use of the video information in a FEL.


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C2 and G2 have/had a know issue with DV, see here:

I don’t know if it has since been fixed and/or if newer gen TVs like the C3, G3, C4, and G4 are affected.