If there is a way with current hardware, we haven’t found it. I’m pretty sure it can’t be done without a J-chip.
You mean S905X4-O v. S905X4-J?
Is the S905X4-O unique to the Vero V?
I don’t know all my SOC variants off the top of my head but I had never heard of the -O before the V.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed reports and samples. If you upgrade now (you may have to re-enable the staging repository) you should see some improvements - specifically no more black/white reversal and no more artifacts or posterisation.
And it should not matter now if you have output set to 422 or (heresy) quantisation range set to full when sending DV to your TV. @AndyDo
Do let us know how you get on.
Looks good now!
I should note I that I no longer have another known good DV source device to compare to but at least nothing stands out.
Looks good here, even the Morbius one plays now
It’s Morbin time
All good here, B/W inversions now all OK.
Thank you. Just waiting for @Kontrarian’s blessing
Everything works like charm. Thanks
@grahamh At the risk of being burnt at the stake for asking - is there any need or advantage in enabling Force 422 colour subsampling to ON with my LG? (I couldn’t see any change, but that could just be my eyes!) I’d only enabled that as the sub menu associated with that function suggested it may be of use.
Otherwise - prior to this newest update, DV playback would frequently fail after I changed the audio stream on a rip. It needed a reboot to restore that functionality. Since updating that’s not happened once.
If everything plays OK without invoking 422 you are good. Some users had issues with 444 which were solved by selecting 422. No shame in that - it’s the full-range setting that should not be used unless you are using a PC monitor to watch.
Good to hear about the audio improvements although we weren’t aware of it.
Just updated and noticed that when stopping a DV playback, the UI would occasionally not revert to SDR, causing the washed out HDR look. I tried starting and stopping HDR10+ contents and did not encounter the same issues, but encountered this 3 out of 4 times when starting and stopping DV content. I have ‘Adjust display refresh rate’ set to ‘On start / stop’ and the Kodi UI resolution at 1080p60.
Other than that, DV still works great on my Vero V and TCL 65C855 (I never encountered any of the reported issues on OLED TVs, probably because the TCL C855 is FALD Mini-LED).
Thanks. Can you post some logs for that SDR problem?
Thanks. Which video(s) gave you a ‘HDR’ GUI on stop?
In the logs I used ‘The Penguin’ and the last attempt has the UI in a HDR/washed out mode. I tried it with other DV movies as well (not in logs) which causes the same issue, occasionally.
Thanks for the report. We think it’s not an HDR/SDR issue - more a limited/full-range issue which (other) users would not notice if their TV doesn’t automatically switch range (yours does). From our testing, this happens only for 24Hz streams and only when you stop a video while it’s playing.
A fix for limited/full-range has been coded and will be in the next update.
Great! That was fast work - will do another test when the fix is released then.