TVheadend problems

Try the following command to downgrade

sudo dpkg -i armv7-tvheadend-app-osmc_4.2.4-3_armhf.deb

Backup the .hts folder at /home/osmc/.hts before downgrading to save your settings and channels.

If it was something that lots of people want, then it would be worth doing. AFAIK you are the only one(s) to report this issue.

If you send me the 4.2.6 tarball that tvh makes when upgrading I can compare it with what I have here which works for me. We would rather solve the problem with 4.2.6.

Wise precaution, but TVH will not wipe a previous installation, even if you purge IIRC.

thanks for the suggestion but I get a no such file exists in the archive error.

thanks, how do I do this?

If you have a look in /home/osmc/.hts/tvheadend/backup after you have upgraded there will be a file called 4.2.4.tar.bz2. Hopefully, after downgrading there will be a file called 4.2.6.tar.bz2 which is all your settings under 4.2.6. (Not sure about this, though). If there is such a file, can you stick it in the cloud somewhere and give us the link?

I’ve not figured out yet how to downgrade or upgrade TVH without going to an old version of OSMC. In the meantime, here is a screenshot of what I’m dealing with: almost no EPG for HD channels, and that’s how it stays.

Lets try this then:

tar -czf /home/osmc/.hts and send us the file

As I suspected, you have not enabled the Freeview EPG grabber. Mine looks like this:

I understand XMLTV works as well, but I’ve not tried it.

Oh, and you must click the Save button after any changes. Clunky.

Thanks for looking at this further. Your screenshot is showing tabs that my TVH does not have, eg mine does not have a tab for EPG Grabber Modules:

Go to General and set user interface level to Expert.

Extended the GUI as advised and enabled the Freeview EPG grabber on high priority, it’s made no difference. I did the Clear data in Kodi, I’ve reinitiated a scan, increased the timeout, and as before, the HD channels have no EPG. I’ll leave it running in case it settles down.

Since as noted above my OSMC Pi has the same problem, but my LE Pi just works out of the box, is this perhaps an OSMC issue with my DVB stick?

We build v4.2.6. I don’t know which version LE uses?

It seems like an issue with the TVHeadend version we ship (latest 4.2 stable release).

I doubt it. Maybe LE have turned on Freeview EPG by default. Your channels should come up in time - but you should also reset the timeout to 600.

So I came back after a couple of hours, I had already raised the timeout back to 600 and once again, nothing. I was hoping to use a Vero 4K as the TVH server and as a local client, but for now will stick to my LE Pi as a headless TVH server and the Vero boxes will all be clients. If this can be fixed at some point that would be great, appreciate the OSMC team is super busy at present.

I’d love to fix it but I just can’t reproduce it.

As a last resort, I would rename the .hts directory on vero then copy the whole .hts directory across from the working LE device to the vero.

Having said that, I think a Pi as TVH server makes a lot of sense, especially if you have more than one DVB stick. And you can run TVH under any OS you like.

Also can’t reproduce this here.
Checked LE and there is no difference with the TVH they ship.


@ac16161 I tested some things and here the “EPG grabber modules” are removed, if the individual User interface level is wrong/not set to expert level.


  1. follow @grahamh’s advice to set the general user interface level to expert
  2. goto Configuration->Users-Access Entries and check/edit the user osmc
  3. set ALL flags for
    Change parameters
    Video recorder
  4. Also set HERE the User interface level to expert since a wrong setting lets fade out the EPG grabber modules in my TVheadend’s GUI.

Here is a screenshot of TVH from my LE Pi. We can see that unlike the OSMC build, the Freeview grabber is enabled by default, although unfortunately enabling it on my Vero did not fix the EPG issue. Also, there are some slight differences in the interface: note that there is no “Priority” parameter for the grabber as per the screnshot @grahamh posted yesterday. My next step is to see if I can copy over the .hts folder from the LE version to see if it fixes it.