Unable to Scan new movies on OSMC for last 48 hours

good to hear :smiley:

My movie collection is a mix of remuxes in mkv container format but some in BDMV structure.
I find it annoying when I do a full scan of my entire movie libary NOT selecting to scan recursively that the movies in BDMV format dont get scanned (no poster, artwork … anything).
Unfortunately doing what @neurosisone suggests (bringing up the ‘set content’ menu per film (at least I think that’s what @neurosisone is trying to tell us)) and then selecting to scan recursively for that 1 film alone still doesn’t allow it to be scanned fully.
And when I decide to fully scan my library with the scan recursively option enabled my library ends up with lots of silly “titles” what the recursive scan picked up from the movies in BDMV format (which is way too much to be deleting manually by selecting “manage” from the context menu and choosing to delete it from library).
Anyone know a smart way how to deal with this?

Are you saying the BDMV movies show up in your library but have no art or they’re not showing up at all?

I have some movies in BDMV folders in my library and they show up okay (might have to manually hit “refresh art”). My folder structure as like this:

-Movie Name
–Movie Name.mkv
-Movie Name 2
-Movie Name 3
–Movie Name 3.mkv

I got the same structure as you.
movies are NFS mounted at /mnt/movies (via /etc/fstab so kernel level mounts … NOT via using kodi’s NFS client).

. movie1.mkv

When I select to scan recursively it actually scans too much so all movies are picked up by the scan but also create individual entries from the stuff that got scanned recursively.
say a BDMV movie has some extra documentary called “the backup artist” than that backup artist is seperately shown in my library under that name “the backup artist”.
I can get rid of this behaviour when I do a full scan of my movies media without selecting the option to scan recursively but then the films in BDMV format don’t get scanned proper (no poster, fan art etc.)

I think I might have the same issue as you actually, I had to manually refresh the art on a few movies to get it to show up and it was probably the BDMV ones.

strangely enough I don’t experience this behaviour at all on another kodi box running kodi 17.6 on kodibuntu (old linux distro which is no longer being maintained/supported).
that same library (also NFS shared) with option to scan recursively set is being scanned just fine without all the additional stuff.
And you’re prolly right, think I also had to “fix” the ones in BDMV format manually on OSMC.