I have updated my Apple TV 30 min ago that was reinstalled from scratch and
now I have an image of Apple TV with question mark blinking above it and
yellow light blinking on Apple TV box and I can’t connect to it via
Please help.
hi sam is the new jan update now available?
Yes – disk images will appear on the Download page and Windows, Mac and Linux installers shortly as well.
hi sam - thanks - will it have a 2016 file name? the ones now are 2015?
scratch that - I see the installer has 2016 now - nice one!
so can we auto update or is this a manual only?
I may be missing something but once the sad face comes up the device restarts. How am I supposed to ssh in during this time? Am I missing something simple?
sorry sam that a bit of a nightmare. tried re installing twice to hard disk. once the apple locks up / freezes in use, I have to do a plug out re start, then the frwny face
I’m gonna have to revert to openelec til this gets sorted sorry
When I do this and restart the machine should I expect the OSMC installation screen to startup and install files?
I can’t fix this if I don’t know the problem. I would need to see some logs
If you are using the original disk and having problems, it may be on its way out.
Are you using the January image?
Yes - but avoid doing this for now… see my next post to Sam.
Hi Sam, it seems that at least one mirror (University of Kent), the wrong image may have been placed under each listing. The UKent mirror shows the following for the January images for ATV:
2016.01-1-USB http://download.osmc.tv/installers/diskimages/OSMC_TGT_appletv_20160130-HDD.img.gz
2016.01-1-HDD http://download.osmc.tv/installers/diskimages/OSMC_TGT_appletv_20160130-USB.img.gz
Perhaps this has something to do with some of the issues people are facing?
In the meanwhile, I’ve just downloaded the image manually. Will report back with my results.
Those images seem fine to me? What’s up with them?
Edit: your post seems to suggest their the wrong way around. I don’t see this on my end, but I’ll wait for you to clarify this (may have been a typo)
If you’re referring to the date, then 2016.01-1 refers to the update version, and not necessarily the image’s build date.
I’ll check it out to confirm
It looks like the USB image listing is in fact actually pointing to the HDD image - and vice-versa.
Could the installer in fact be loading the USB image when the HDD option is selected?
I have touch
’d the file to force any stale mirrors to sync, but I am not seeing this issue here:
See http://download.osmc.tv/installers/versions_appletv and if you can identify a problematic mirror, let me know.
hi sam
just want to say thanks so much for all the work really appreciated . superb.
unfortunately I can do a log because soon as I did a restart I got a sad face. apple lockd up. so after 2 installs I had to stop. has there been any more news on it since.? the usb / hd install thing that vanfog has just mentioned, is that possible to have happened?
That wouldn’t have caused the above issue.
running the fsck command set didn’t fix the issue, however, running apt-get auto remove finally resolved the issue. Upon reboot I got a message saying I couldn’t install the update. When I go into summary, it says I’m running the 2016-01-01 update with kernel Everything is working now. Would you like my logs?
u should be good then as i just spent a ton of time doing this myself, @toast was a gigantic help and staid thru the end to make sure i learned a bit of linux and make sure i got it updated he said to ssh into osmc and input this:
do this
uname -a
if it says
atv-image-4.2.3-7-osmc then its all good
then its just saying that there is an old kernel thats not in use anymore and thats perfectly fine
Addressed concerns in other thread.