Vero 2 issues

Hello all,

I have been using the Vero 2 for around a month now. Most things seem to work correctly, but I have a few outstanding issues:

  1. Video playback is great, but sometimes it spends around 1 min buffering. Video playback is fine after this. Rebooting the device seems to solve the issue. Can anyone help with this issue?

  2. Can anyone tell me if it’s possible to turn off the blue light on the front of the device?

A suggestion for the next itteration of the OSMC physical remote, I really miss a volume button. I love the clicky buttons though.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information, including logs from you. Please see How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC for advice on how to help us.

Seems you have not upgraded to the latest version

Improving the user experience
Vero 2's front LED is now disabled by default after bootup for a better night time viewing experience

We can just add volume functionality to the Up and Down arrows on the remote.

I have just updated and now the light is gone. Thanks for pointing me to that post, I tend to not update my media centre much.

That would be great. Is that something I can do or is it a future feature request idea?

I would love so submit logs, unfortunately, following the instructions of rebooting and replicating the problem is an issue when rebooting temporarily clears the issue.

I have rebooted and will wait until the issue occurs and will submit the logs.

I will add it in the future.


The previous kodi.log will be available as kodi.old.log and if you use grab-logs -A both logs will be uploaded.
But it would also help if you first explains which video (mediainfo) you are trying from where (SD Card, USB, NFS, Samba,…)

The issue happens with streaming media from a networked samba share and using the youtube plugin. The only thing they have in common is they are being streamed via wifi. The wifi is being provided by a dedicated ubuquiti access point about 2 meters away from my vero box. I have not fully ruled this out as the issue, but the fact that a reboot clears this issue, and it reoccurs a few hours later makes me thing it’s maybe some kind of memory/cache issue.


I think the last occurance of this buffering issue was around the event at line 16171. Hope that helps.

<cachemembuffersize> 157286400 </cachemembuffersize>

This is vastly excessive and unneccesary in a LAN environment. Additionally, it results in using 3x that amount in RAM. Revert back to the 20mb default.

I have changed this to 20,000 and the problem still persists.

EDIT: I have removed this option completely from the settings file.

I now have an error about cache being fulled/full.

Unfortunately, I still have the issue when I eliminate the WiFi element too. I still get intermittent buffering issues when steaming content over the LAN and WAN when connected via an Ethernet connection.

What can I do to troubleshoot this issue?

It’s unlikely to be a WiFi specific issue.

Copy a file locally to USB or NAND and see if the issue persists.

If it does, some MediaInfo output will be good.



All that cache full message means is that the cache filled before the download speed was fast enough for the file to play without pausing - eg the speed at which the data is coming in is too slow for continuous playback.

The default buffer size is 20MB and this should be fine under the vast majority of conditions. If the network transfer rate is too slow no amount of increasing the buffer size is going to help you, you need to fix the problem at the source, which is figuring out why the network throughput is too slow.

I have run some tests from the device on Ethernet and the same tests via WiFi. It looks like on WiFi the speed drops like a stone after about 30 seconds. Please see the output here.

I’m going to run the same tests to other devices on my network to figure out if it’s a Vero or WiFi issue.

And here’s another device on my network (an intel nuc) using the same 2.4GHz network as the Vero, about the same distance from the access point (about 2 meters):

So for some reason, the Vero can’t seem to sustain a WiFi connection by the look of it. I’m happy to try out any other tests you wish, I just want my device to work (I paid a lot of money for it :smile:)

Turn off MIMO on your router if you can