Vero 4k+ and harmony hub

I used my harmony for a few years and appart from some days beforee it was nice.

I needed to sync my remote again as I had to change some setting of my TV and I lost contron via the harmony . I am not aware that I changed anything on the Vero

I went in the Myosmc with the OSMC control and under bluetooth the harmony keyboard is detected.
So I assume that is OK.

On the harmony page I still see my device and activities. AndI see the HArmony hub responding so I am confused, where to start debuging.
Adding a 2nd vero device does not work because mu hub does not connect to Wifi:S and That is needed to add the device

to resync, i go to my osmc/ bluetooth and remove it. Click the sync button on back of harmony hub and it should then reappear in devices and work

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Hi I removed the harmony hub in MYOSMC
Then Enableled bluetooth scanning
And pressed the litttle button on the harmony hub. This starts flahing red.
the harmony schows in the deteted devices list and the when I select that device in the popup there I tried pairing without pin, which faled .
Then I tried again for paring with pin. Which faled also but the HArmony is now in the installed devices list.
After this I tried to use the harmony but there was no response to the keys.
When I go in that blutooth devices list and select the harmny and do re-connect there again is a fail.
The harmony is connected without wifi becaus I never got that connection working for over a half year. I am in contact with logitech support abiut that issue

You mean it’s showing the red disconnected icon? If so, I had that and had to pair a few tiimes until it stuck. So delete/ resync until the blue icon remains. I didn’t use a pin to pair btw

Yep, I can only pair it with pin then it pops-up in the list (blue) en after a second it gets red.
Tried reconnecting many times now Sometimes it is bluw for a few seconds and turn red again.

I tried pairing without pin 10 times but it never pairs here. Matbee need to try more often?
This kind of failures is so frustrating

It could be the range of the hub . When pairing, I had to put mine right next to the vero to ensure a strong connection

I tried again putting them side 2 side without any luck (tried 10 times without pin again)

Still only pair with pin and then after 5 seconds it turns red in OSMC

have a look here Vero V & Harmony Elite - #30 by JimKnopf

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I tried the solutions indicated and I will arrive where I should be able to connect the harminy. AFter clicking on the harmony it will not connect. Pin or no pin.

No pin was the way I did it

Logitech gave up in their support, they say the device is defective , probably radio chip. Get some discount on products as compensation.
Now hesitating what to do.
Get another HUB of drop the whole harmony thing. But Should I get then with similar functionality??

I tried one other hub that was said to be operational, but did not work either here at home. I was ableto return it.

Is pairing with other Bluetooth devices working?

Was this corrected meanwhile? Otherwise, I think Logitech is right.
Last chance could be a factory reset of the hub but means, you’ve to re-configure all devices in case the hub should work normally again.

I have no Idea how to test this?

Never got the wifi connecting stable. Only sometime while configuring from factory reset but never again after intterrupting power. I did the factory reset a few tomes while doing the debugging with LT

My feeling is that Logitech is correct but how to be sure as a 2nd used device that I bought had the same issue. ( was lucky I could return it)

Not an expert here but can’t you just pair it with your PC and see if it works as Keyboard?

I tried pairing with my PC.
The PC is detected and paring without pin failed.
Pairing with pin also failed even whith accepting the pin

However the PC appeared in the paired list and is blue. So I am confused.
The harmont is red but sometimes it seems to connect . I by accident pressed some button during watching an movie and it responded, stopping the play but nothing else.

You mean buttons detected on the Vero?

You could try to pair it on the Vero from the command line, maybe you succeed then.

tried that to, same result and yes it sudden and momentary responding but stopped after a few keypresses again