Vero 4K crashing when left alone

Just to be clear I have already shared a lot of this information when I originally posted about this issue on these forums.

I have two USB devices plugged-in.

  1. FLRIC dongle which I use with my Harmony Remote.
  2. Anker USB/Ethernet Dongle.

I have been using this setup for nearly 2 years now without issues.

If I remove the USB/Ethernet dongle and plug the Ethernet in directly to the Vero 4K (with the August update) everything works, however some of my 4K videos stutter.

When I put the USB/Ethernet dongle back and turn back on I don’t seem to have network access, hence my NTP service hasn’t started, and I get an error that it can’t access an external movies database, and when I go to play a movie it says the movie is no longer there, and would I like to remove it from the library.

With the USB/Ethernet dongle AND the August update, if I try and reboot the Vero 4K from the power menu it hangs and I often see text like this, with a failure message…

The dongle has a red power light on it and a blue flashing led when playing a movie.

I’m using the same/similiar USB-ethernet adapter on a vero4k+ for tests, it’s using the r8152 kernel module and works flawless with OSMC vero4k+.

@anon58074189 you haven’t reacted on my posts #32/#34 … from my point of view it’s either a defective adapter or your Vero4k PSU reached end-of-life or is not providing enough power therefore my suggestion to try it just for verification with a powered usb-hub if available.

Hi @JimKnopf
I’m using a Vero 4K not a Vero 4K+
Looking at the image you have a green LED between the red and flash blue led, I don’t have that, just the Red and Blue LEDs.

My USB devices are plugged the other way around to yours, my FLRIC is in the USB towards the back of the Vero 4K and my USB/Ethernet dongle in the USB nearest the front.

The adaptor is working fine on the previous build, it is only a problem with the latest August build.

With regard to a failing power supply, I have some official raspberry pie power supplies, do they work with the Vero 4K, if they do I can try one of those… however, it means having to reload the August build back onto my Vero 4K… while a do really apricate all the help on this matter, it is starting to become stressful for me, I bought the Vero 4k as something I could just setup and forget about, and it would just work, I now buying SD cards, swapping builds, making backups of settings, I’ve lost all my settings…

I’ve just realised that the Raspberry Pie power supplies have the wrong connector…

  • it doesn’t matter whether it’s a vero4k or vero4k+, both would load the same kernel module but your log doesn’t show this. The OSMC image for Vero4k and Vero4k+ is the same, it’s nearly the same hw
  • perhaps the missing green led indicates you have another Anker adapter … or it points to the problem
  • you still haven’t answered my questions … this will end here for me since I don’t want to urge people three times for the same information although they contacted this forum for help
  • regarding waste of time: Rummaging through some boxes of old hardware and trying to recreate the customer environment also takes a lot of time … and is especially no fun when you get such snotty answers; by the way it also works flawless if I use the other USB port of my Vero4k+ (10 minutes investment, again)

Leave it with me for now.

I’m investigating.

Starting to type commands is simply beyond me, I don’t have any idea about logging remotely into a device and I don’t even have a USB keyboard, I own a laptop, so when it comes to suggestions using commands, it’s simply beyond my abilities.

please excuse my harsh words, this is a situation that I did not expect and of course requires a different approach

I’ve updated the Realtek driver and this will be included in the next update as part of the kernel package. @JimKnopf tested this with his adapter and while it didn’t yield any improvements, it doesn’t seem to have caused any regressions.

Hopefully this will resolve your issue when it is released.
It’s possible to install this update manually at the moment – but this may be a bit involving.



Thanks! @sam_nazarko