Vero 4K + network speed major disappointment

Interesting to know thank you for the replies.

I have tested with the single Cat5e I own Vero>Router, it didn’t make any difference sadly (and also 2 different Cat6 cables)

I haven’t changed the Cat6 cables Router>PC or Router>NAS, but as these devices connect ~940Mbit/sec between each other (and everything else on my network) they cant be having an effect on the Vero can they ???

In other news I have just ordered a USb>Gigabit adapter, Again.
I just sold my old vero4k complete with Linksy usb>gigabit adapter only 2 weeks ago. Wish i’d never bothered now :frowning:

It will get sorted.

Are you able to run tcpdump, as detailed by @smurphy here?

Edit: I see that he has already analysed one traffic dump here, so probably not worth another one unless requested.

I wonder whether I can get some guidance about a networking oddity involving two Vero 4K + boxes?
I’ve a wired network using cat 5e cable and TP-Link Gigabit routers. Vero A reports around 930Mb/s using iperf3 (the server is on my QNAP NAS) whilst Vero B reports 5.1Mb/s with lots of retries.
ethtool eth0 reports the link speed as 1000Mb/s on both Veros.
I assumed at first I had a dodgy ethernet cable but testing (swapping out cables) suggested everything was OK in that regard so I physically swapped Veros and found the problem moved with the device (ie) Vero A in Vero B’s position reports 930Mb/s with a few retries whilst Vero B in Vero A’s position reports sub 10Mb/s with lots of retries.
I then set the ethernet speed to 100Mb/s on Vero B (using ethtool) and found iperf3 reported 98Mb/s with no retries.
Running ‘route -n’ and ‘cat /etc/resolv.conf’ gave identical results for both Veros.
A simple reading of the above would suggest Vero B may have a fault restricting it to 100Mb/s operation but I’d like to be sure I haven’t missed something.
Can anyone suggest further tests so I don’t waste anyone’s time with an erroneous warranty claim?
BTW I’m not a networking expert but can follow instructions!

Vero A iperf3 results at 1000M:

Vero B iperf3 results at 100M & 1000M:

Vero A ethtool results:

Vero B ethtool results:

Vero A ifconfig eth0:

Vero B ifconfig eth0:

So are you saying that if you physically swap the devices you experience the same problem on the same device? Can you try swap the power supply as well?


Hi Sam

The problem seems to travel with the device. The devices changed PSUs when swapped. Taking the PSUs with the devices will be an issue as the wiring for one of them runs behind plasterboard but can do it if essential.

That’s peculiar. Some users reported Ethernet issues that are resolved by using different switches. Can you make sure both devices are up to date?


They’re both running 2018.08-2 so I think they’re at the latest version.

OK, if you manage to build one tonight, I shall test it first thing tomorrow morning.

Why so quick to give up and order adapters etc? This will get sorted. A lot of us here (not even just Sam etc!) will spend the time to sort this for you.

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Will follow up on this shortly.
Do you have any Linux knowledge / know how to use SSH?

With that said, if 3/4 work OK, it sounds like one may need to be replaced and it may not be related to network issues reported by others.


I’m a Linux apprentice (ie) I’ve used it a bit but there’s still an embarrassing amount of cut & paste without really knowing what I’m doing!
Happy to follow instructions…
Update: I’ve moved the ‘slow’ Vero around various points in the network and also connected directly into the router (a Billion 8900, which I rebooted with the Vero connected and also later rebooted the Vero) - it’s consistently slow when set to 1000M but OK at 100M. I’ve also had a look at its RJ45 connector but that looks OK.

But if that 1/4 device that Nightcustard has that is exhibiting the same network problems as those of us who only have 1 device & and have issues, maybe you have some defective units ?

Also I see you keep mentioning ‘switches’ implying that they are the main/only reason for these problems, I hope you have noticed that with myself and Matt.capes switches are not the issue (I have removed mine completely for now & he has tested with his removed) both cases we still have the network problem with the switches out of the equation.

Hope you can get to the bottom of this :flushed:

And I have to say - that Sam & Team almost always sort things out… This - from experience!

Possibly. I should be able to get some hardware to test with shortly.
We’ll sort this out.

Please let me know if I can assist…

I’m also having slow network problems since upgrading from the Vero 4k to the 4K+ , I’m sure it’ll get sorted but I’m new to the linux side and I’m struggling to get usable data to highlight the issue. I run a PC and a NAS ( HP Microserver ) containing my media. Using iperf I get 1GB between the PC and NAS but am unable to connect to the Vero to use iperf, its probably something simple but I just get connection refused when I attempt a speed test.


If i can get past this hurdle I can find out if my feelings are correct, any help appreciated. :slight_smile:

Assuming Vero 4K + is; you’d need to run iperf3 -s on the Vero via SSH before the -c command. You run sudo apt-get install iperf3 first.

Thanks Sam, I’ve installed iperf on the Vero already … saying that is iperf the same as iperf3 ?

iperf is version 2, you want to install iperf3 and run iperf3.

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