Vero 4K + network speed major disappointment

Did you configure backups to also take fstab into account?

Yep, ticked all the boxes.

Okay I have uploaded a log file here

What I have tried to do that should be shown in the logs is,
1)rebooted device
2)opened my ā€˜4Kā€™ folder (on a NFS share)
3) attempted to play a 4K movie.
4) after several minutes I had to hard reset the device as it froze on a black screen.
5) rebooted and uploaded logs.

Hope u can help

Are you able to try with WiFi connection instead of wired?
That would eliminate everything except the network interface.

From your log files everything looks fine and you seem to get a Gigabit connection
Sep 20 10:22:59 Vero4K kernel: libphy: stmmac-0:00 - Link is Up - 1000/Full

That means unfortunately you would need to try to do some tests with iperf3 and ethtool.
First step for that is you would need to get to a command line (easiest is via SSH) this wiki entry gives you some more info on that. Accessing the command line - General - OSMC

Then you would need to install iperf3 on the Vero sudo apt-get install iperf3.
Next step would be to install iperf3 on another device in your LAN that is connected with Gigabit. Best would be your NAS but you also can install it on your PC/Notebook.
When that is done you start is on the NAS/PC with iperf3 -s as server and on the Vero with iperf3 -c <IP of the other machine> as client.
Let me know if you have issue with any of thoses steps.

Also for keeping a record please provide the Brand/Model for the switch/router the Vero is connected to.

Try unzipping the backup and confirming the presence of the fstab file within?

If WiFi to the NAS is fast, then I think it must be the ethernet connection to the router.

That just leaves:

  • the NIC in the Vero 4K+
  • the cable
  • the OS

The OS is least likely. Iā€™m using the same on Vero 4K+, and ethernet speed is 1Gb.

If youā€™ve double-checked and verified the cable already, then all thatā€™s left is the ethernet adaptor in the Vero 4K+. Maybe if there was a dry joint on one of the pins where the connector is mounted on the motherboard. This would explain why the connectivity works, but with poor transmission/receive speeds.

Thatā€™s all I can think of.

Question: Do you guys by chance have asymetric routing? means, you have ethernet and WiFi on at the same time?

Itā€™s there in the backup file.

Thanks for the replys.

In response to anbodearg yes i have just tried wifi and everything seems to work perfect over wifi.
However as the Vero is sat right next to my router I want it wired in so its not a solution for me !!.

fzinken, thanks for the info, I do have another PC that is connected via gigabit that I can test with - I wouldnā€™t know how to install anything on my NAS.
I will try and do what you have suggested with iperf3, but i will need more help i can see already that i donā€™t follow your instructions re starting/running iperf3 on the vero.

Just to clear up what Kit i have got.

Phillips 65PUS7601
Denon x2400h avr

Router = Asus 68U
NAS = WDMyCloud 8tb
Switch = Dlink DGSā€‘108
All with Belkin high quality cat6 cabling.

For the record I have done a test by taking the switch out of the equation and connecting direct to the router and the issue was still apparent (can do this again and upload logs if required)

Ok, please let me know what is not clear.
Assuming that your other device is a Windows Machine, or?

I think there is a problem to overwrite /etc/fstab because of write-permissions? ā€¦Yesterday I have to copy /osmc/.kodi/userdata/fstab (from backup-file) manually to /etc/fstabā€¦

fzinken i have installed iperf3 on the vero (used putty form my PC), i also have downloaded it on my Windows PC and have a folder with it in.

I donā€™t know how to use it on my PC.
You say ā€œStart is on the NAS/PC with iperf3 -s as severā€
How do i do this ?

And then how do I start or run it on the Vero ?

Note the ip of my PC is, ip of the vero is

Hi Smurphy,

Iā€™m not convinced that connman does asymetric routing, I think it just routes all traffic to the preferred route in:



So if set as above, I believe all traffic is routed via Ethernet.

Thanks Tom.

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Just open a command prompt (Click on the Windows sign and type cmd and press enter) the change into the directory where you downloaded iperf3 (using cd). And then jsut type iperf3.exe -s and enter.

In your putty session just type iperf3 -c

Ok thanks i have done it now thank you, just done a test over wifi and its come back at 227Mbits/sec.

I will now go and reconnect the vero to wired network and report back in a few minutes.

thank you so much for your patience and help with a noob

I have tried this to see if it makes a difference but no. Still slow network connection so yes ethernet comes first

Yep, it could be a bug in the MyOSMC restore function. Copying the file manually should be your workaround.

It wasnā€™t a big problem for me, but you may want to add it to the bug list for the sake of users not comfortable with playing around with their network shares.

Similar issues here. Previous happily working Kodibox removed, Vero4K installed. Serving from a Win10 box by SMB. Previous Kodi happily setup just with SMB shares, instant play, instant skipping, etc, no buffer ever. Vero FSTABed, because it apparently needs it.

Everything is slow. Browsing library is slow (images donā€™t pop up for ages), can play up to a minute of a film before it stops and buffers permanently. IPerf shows speed is fine from the server, but I get similar IPERF performance from the Vero to the server as Pascal does.