Vero 4K not booting after November '21 update (with workaround)

Dear all,
installed the update yesterday to find out that the Vero 4k wouldn’t come up any more after that. Only the red light was flashing shortly. No ssh access either.

So I soldered some cables to the serial port and looked at what was happening, only to find that it was booting alright… So what’s happening?

As it turned out, the 4k was booting on my workbench without HDMI cable, but wouldn’t boot with the cable attached, and I noticed an error message about being unable to force the resolution.

So it came to my mind that a long time ago I forced the HDMI resolution as discussed in this thread:

So, with the cable detached and thus being able to use ssh to access the 4k, I reset the resolution as described in the above thread.

After that, the 4k would boot again.

So, I provide a workaround and hope this helps to find the reason for this bug.


You need to

sudo fw_setenv hdmimode 1080p60hz
sudo fw_setenv outputmode 576cvbs

The ‘force’ option isn’t working atm.

Yes – this is a known issue, but wasn’t considered a show-stopper for this update. I’ll fix the underlying issue here shortly.
