Yes I know, there are already some threads about this.
That there is no support for the BD-J ISO menus on the Vero 4k* is simply no longer up to date.
The Vero 4K+ is a very good product.
Are you already selling too many of the players?
Are your turnover too high?
There are only two problems why you don’t buy a Vero 4k+!
1st problem - lack of Dolby Vision support.
2nd problem - lack of BD-J ISO menu support.
OK, a lack of Dolby Vision support might just be acceptable today, but a lack of BD-J ISO menu support is not.
Even Kodi has no problem with it today, only the Vero 4K+ has a problem with it.
Where is the problem here?
BD-J is something that we can theoretically support. There are a couple of issues with doing so however.
Licensing: Distributing Java is subject to legal requirements. I believe the Oracle version is needed and OpenJDK isn’t sufficient. Some people may not agree to these license terms. Packaging: Java would need to be included, and we’d need to update Kodi and libbluray to use Java. This means that we could not easily swap support in/out or provide it as an option for users that want it as th changes are very invasive. Size: The JRE is not a small package and would increase the filesystem size significantly. Functionality: BD-J support is still a work in progress with Kodi and libbluray, and a number of titles don’t work as expected.
We will continue to monitor the situation. If we have something that we can deliver to users in a future update, we’ll be sure to do so.
That’s not correct. Kodi requires a Java implementation and compatible windowing system. It might work on some platforms, but certainly not all.
@sam_nazarko, only you know the answer to these two questions.
Some of my friends preferred to buy a Dune, Zappiti or Zidoo. The reason was that the Vero 4K+ does not support BD-J ISO menus.
You lose a lot of customers every day because of these two important functions. The prioritisation of the BD-J ISO menu is even higher than Dolby Vision.
I’m sure you’ll find a solution for Java. The other suppliers have also implemented it.
These people don’t have IOS’s. All the other people would agree. Today, Java is used everywhere on different devices.
I think more than 95% of your Vero 4k+ customers wish the BD-J ISO menu function. Ask the community here please!
Exactly what statistical data was used to form this opinion? I’m not seeing you provide any objective data to backup your personal opinion.
Search the forum for yourself… With tens of thousands of Vero devices having been sold and in use, less than 1% of forum support/feature requests invlove BD-J menus.
Your post comes off quite demanding when you make so many baseless claims that clearly indicate you have little knowledge as to the actual demand for such a feature.
Claiming a lot of unprovable facts and insinuating that you have any clue as to any actual numbers in regard to Vero sales while thinking such an approach might somehow get you the feature you are interested in is just a very weak selfish flex if you ask me…
OK @ActionA , so you don’t have any ISO’s. You don’t need the BD-J ISO menu function.
I am not asking for anything. Please don’t misunderstand the thread!
I read other forums too! When people ask for a reference for a player there, I refer to the Vero 4K+. Unfortunately, other players were always bought. The other players support BD-J ISO menus. Even my friends didn’t want to buy a Vero 4K+ because of the lack of BD-J ISO menu support.
The people will certainly not reply here that didn’t buy a Vero 4K+ because of the lack of BD-J ISO menu support.
This is a discussion. Does the Vero 4K+ need the BD-J ISO menu function, yes or no?
I mean yes, now is the time.
This is an open-source project, with a little reading and ingenuity, you could improve this project.
I’m no developer, I know a few programing languages and can read and teach the basics, but to actually solve problems with code, nah there are those that does that for a living. But I “fixed an addon for a desktop”, “password reset addon”.
I could do a desktop addon, not knowing what is needed for BD-J menus it’s hard to speculate, but my firm belief is that if you set out to improve OSMC, via deb package or other alternativ. I bet you that help will come from people that don’t have time to do the heavy lifting but knows what is required.
So my advice, instead of ‘“This function is needed” say everyone i know.’ motivating some change in a good product that might need a software touch up. Initiate the software touch up. If there is code needed to get changed, okey I think Sam might consider adding a patch, if the BD-J menu is an optional package.
As I said, I don’t know what is needed on the Kodi side, so I am NOT promising anything. But to get to BD-J menus on a Vero4k quicker, do some ground work, research what is needed, see how much you can solve your self, identify points you need help with and ask for it. You will get a better response from “I’m trying to improve OSMC” then “You need to fix this NOW”.
So we can expect a “This is needed for BDJ-menus, software 1, software 2, patch kodi here, Where should this script go?, Can anybody help me with this function in this language to get this working!???”
I have no idea what is needed, but if someone did the legwork, I wouldn’t mind trying to make a modular solution, so that those that want BDJ-menu can install those dependencies (Official Oracle JRE isn’t small). I’m have no coding skils, but if I can cut and paste other peoples work to come up with a solution. Might not be pretty and might never be a official part of OSMC, but if someone gave me something to work with I’d put that on my “todo list”.
There are already many threads on this topic here in the community.
This thread is very interesting. Java Runtime Environment
Unfortunately, @sam_nazarko then did not reply any more and followed up on the topic.
Do you still use the Vero 4K+/Raspberry Pi?
Since 2017, there have been many requests for Bluray Menu/BD-J support.
According to the project’s information, it would theoretically be possible today, but this function is not important for the project.
What is your opinion on Bluray menus/BD-J today?
Were other players bought because this function was not supported?
It would be very nice if you could join the discussion.
Do you still use the Vero 4K+/Raspberry Pi?
Since 2017, there have been many requests for Bluray Menu/BD-J support.
According to the project’s information, it would theoretically be possible today, but this function is not important for the project.
What is your opinion on Bluray menus/BD-J today?
Were other players bought because this function was not supported?
It would be very nice if you could join the discussion.
Do you still use the Vero 4K+/Raspberry Pi?
Since 2017, there have been many requests for Bluray Menu/BD-J support.
According to the project’s information, it would theoretically be possible today, but this function is not important for the project.
What is your opinion on Bluray menus/BD-J today?
Were other players bought because this function was not supported?
It would be very nice if you could join the discussion.
Nope. All my media is either streamed from the web or in MKV format, as I suspect it’s the same case for a very large portion of the OSMC user base. So no need for such menus…
I’ve never even seen a BD-J menu, so o guess I don’t have a “NEED”, but i can understand the want for a “complete experience”.
Now that need and want is defined, listen to the LEED developer, BD-J is possible, but due to factors like licensing, size and no hardware acceleration. I believe that what you get in the end won’t full fill you expectations.
I rip all my BDs to MKV with MakeMKV then strip away all of the audio and subtitle tracks I don’t want with MKVToolNix.
This saves a lot of storage space and my movies start instantly.
Maybe it improved with 4K blu-ray but when I last saw a Blu-ray menu few years back the menu and it’s navigation was a very long way away from a smooth immersive experience.
It was a clunky mess with buttons that looked like buttons on a website from 1995.