Vero 4k+ output detected as 2.1, not 5.1

That is a mystery to me why they were not showing up. I tested on my system and turned on Upmix like you had, and I still had all the options. I’m suspecting it was something odd that Silvo did, but I have no way to prove it.

Seems like a reasonable assumption. Are these options something that OSMC has that isn’t in the standard branch?


No these options are standard.

When I got this Vero I copied my settings from my old Rpi3 so I wouldn’t have to redo everything. The pi was running osmc since forever and autoupdated, but maybe that came into play? The old box didn’t involve a receiver and was plugged just into a TV with a sound bar so I never even looked for these options. Just for grins I just looked and all those options are there on the pi. File corruption maybe?

I’m thinking this was the problem:

<setting id="audiooutput.config" default="true">1</setting>

On my system, it’s 3, the same that using Expert sets for all settings. I tried on mine to set it to 1 like yours, but did see the problem. Interesting however was that it was reset to 3 when I started Kodi. I don’t know what the setting really is supposed to change but it’s the only obvious thing that jumps out at me.

We could try importing OPs settings.
Alternatively, some clear photos of the audio settings in detail would help.

Well it now displays them correctly, but the earlier screenshot shows where nothing is listed under that header. OSMC skin had the same problem. I’m not sure how to recreate at this point for any new screenshots.

Odd. Did you move your Kodi userdata directory from another device?

Are things working now?

Don’t jinx me, but yes. Perfectly!

I did move it, yes. From my pi running OSMC (Silvo skin). But that one shows those options that weren’t showing up.

Great. When moving userdata from another system, things can be problematic.
In your case, deleting guisettings.xml would’ve solved things.

Thanks for the post – as it’s something we can keep an eye out for.

As always – any problems, let us know.
