I had been happily using my Vero tv for a while and it has been pretty much flawless until an update a had a while back, ever since my main problem has been that is freezes, normally when I come back after not using it for a while but it has happened once while streaming. another problem being that a couple of times when I click the directionals it would do it twice.
I have always used Ethernet connection since I got it, I did use cec but I have turned this off and now just use the vero controller. i did try turning on the wifi connection the other day and when I used the controller after that it would double or triple click and I struggled to get back onto wifi settings to turn it off.
the only problem I had in the passed was when I ran an update and didn’t have enough space but I resolved the issue and it was working fine after this.
Please could you help with this as before one of the updates i had it worked fine.
thanks for your respose,
Sorry I think freezes is more the word I’m looking for, The screen shows whatever I was on last and only way to fix it is pull the power. not sure if the lan light flashes. maybe this is the same issue and I hope this will be fixed soon its damn anoying. Whats the deal with the wifi though, I was hoping to turn it on and start making use of air play?
Sorry I can not tell you anything on the Wifi but I am not sure which relation it has with Airplay. As long as the Vero is connected by Ethernet to the same LAN your Mac/Iphone/Ipad is connected to by Wifi then Airplay should work. Don’t require the Vero to be connected by Wifi