Vero V CEC fails to start

My Vero V shipped with the July 2023 install on it, and the CEC adapter was working well, after updating to December 2023, upon boot I get a message that the PulseEight CEC adapter failed to start and to check settings - settings for the CEC adapter are all correct; what should I try next?

Is it actually not working, or is it just the message that has you concerned? I’ve seen a CEC error toast a couple times in recent history on boot but CEC didn’t actually break. I just assumed it was Kodi complaining a bit that some of the CEC defaults got changed.

Unfortunately it isn’t working - the message appears on every boot. I’m happy enough to use the included remote for now, but the WAF of that is pretty low due to multiple remotes (Wife Acceptance Factor) lol

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Did you power down (unplug from wall) all systems for a few minutes?

If that fails suggest to upload logs

Logs uploaded:

Did you unplug the TV from the wall for a minute before uploading those logs?

Several minutes - also, CEC works fine from the TV to my Blu-Ray player

Perhaps try enabling the component specific logging for CEC would give a bit more of a clue what the issue actually is. The only other thing I can think to try is going to settings>system>input>peripherals>CEC adapter> and then clicking defaults, then OK, then restart from Kodi power menu.

I know the issue occurred after updating but can you try with another HDMI cable?

I’ve now tried defaulting the CEC adapter - no joy
The HDMI cable that it came with (I was using another) - no joy
Enabled device specific logging for CEC, then rebooted and uploaded another set of logs:
I tried my original cable with one of my Vero 4K+'s that are also patched to December 2023 and that works fine with CEC

I’m happy to try re-imaging the device with the current patch if needs be - I keep them all backed up, so it doesn’t take that long to configure again.

Give that a go - if no luck I’ll check over logs

Try the June image

The only download options for the Vero V are August 2023 and December 2023 - I’ve tried reimaging with both, and CEC is broken on both too :frowning:

I don’t really know what the CEC setup in the TV menus look like on an LG that old but if there is some kind of configuration where it selects different kinds of profiles between how it interacts with different inputs you might look at that. You might also try a different input on the TV or try it with only the Vero V and nothing else plugged into HDMI inputs on the TV. When making any changes like this it may be required to unplug the TV from power and plug it back in to make it reset CEC device assignments.

It’s not the newest TV - the options are on/off. I’ve checked all the settings against my 4K+ and they’re the same, and it works with that and other devices I have around (2 BluRay players, and another 4K+), but not on the V which just throws an error about the CEC device at boot. As I said, it was working with the original July 2023 build that it shipped with, but I don’t see that as a download option anywhere.

I did try isolating the V as the only device connected, but it makes no difference.

CEC seems to be toggled on during the boot.
I will think and look at this again tomorrow.

June release was quite buggy, so I removed it.
I’ll see if I have a copy somewhere.

I’ve checked. Annoyingly I don’t have the earlier builds to hand – I remember removing them from the download server as they were quite problematic in some places (BT, WiFi).

Not much has changed regarding CEC since then, particularly for the Vero V platform.

Thanks for confirming that the cable functions with another device without problems, that is good to know.

Are you familiar with SSH?
I’d suggest the following:

sudo -s
systemctl stop mediacenter

Now run


On my 2017 LG TV, I’m seeing:

root@osmc:/home/osmc/osmc/package/mediacenter-osmc# cec-client
No device type given. Using 'recording device'
CEC Parser created - libCEC version 6.0.2
no serial port given. trying autodetect: 
 path:     /dev/aocec
 com port: AOCEC

opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
DEBUG:   [             117]	Broadcast (F): osd name set to 'Broadcast'
NOTICE:  [             117]	connection opened
DEBUG:   [             117]	processor thread started
DEBUG:   [             117]	<< Broadcast (F) -> TV (0): POLL
TRAFFIC: [             117]	<< f0
DEBUG:   [             146]	>> POLL sent
DEBUG:   [             146]	TV (0): device status changed into 'present'
DEBUG:   [             147]	<< requesting vendor ID of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [             147]	<< f0:8c
TRAFFIC: [             147]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [             147]	TV (0): vendor = LG (00e091)
DEBUG:   [             147]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
DEBUG:   [             211]	expected response received (87: device vendor id)
DEBUG:   [             211]	replacing the command handler for device 'TV' (0)
DEBUG:   [             211]	TV (0): CEC version 1.3a
DEBUG:   [             211]	TV (0): menu language set to 'eng'
DEBUG:   [             211]	registering new CEC client - v6.0.2
DEBUG:   [             211]	SetClientVersion - using client version '6.0.2'
NOTICE:  [             211]	setting HDMI port to 1 on device TV (0)
DEBUG:   [             211]	SetConfiguration: double tap timeout = 200ms, repeat rate = 0ms, release delay = 500ms
DEBUG:   [             211]	detecting logical address for type 'recording device'
DEBUG:   [             211]	trying logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG:   [             211]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Recorder 1 (1): POLL
TRAFFIC: [             211]	<< 11
WARNING: [             251]	Write: write failed
TRAFFIC: [             251]	<< 11
WARNING: [             291]	Write: write failed
DEBUG:   [             291]	>> POLL not sent
DEBUG:   [             291]	using logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'handled by libCEC'
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'on'
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): vendor = Pulse Eight (001582)
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): CEC version 1.4
DEBUG:   [             291]	AllocateLogicalAddresses - device '0', type 'recording device', LA '1'
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): osd name set to 'CECTester'
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): menu language set to 'eng'
DEBUG:   [             291]	using auto-detected physical address 1000
DEBUG:   [             291]	Recorder 1 (1): physical address changed from ffff to 1000
DEBUG:   [             291]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> broadcast (F): physical address 1000
TRAFFIC: [             291]	<< 1f:84:10:00:01
NOTICE:  [             428]	CEC client registered: libCEC version = 6.0.2, client version = 6.0.2, firmware version = 5, logical address(es) = Recorder 1 (1) , physical address:,  compiled on 2023-06-08 00:34:30 by root@osmc on Linux 4.9.269 (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, AOCEC
DEBUG:   [             428]	Recorder 1 (1): vendor = LG (00e091)
DEBUG:   [             428]	replacing the command handler for device 'Recorder 1' (1)
DEBUG:   [             428]	Recorder 1 (1): CEC version 1.3a
DEBUG:   [             428]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> TV (0): OSD name 'CECTester'
TRAFFIC: [             428]	<< 10:47:43:45:43:54:65:73:74:65:72
DEBUG:   [             711]	<< requesting power status of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [             711]	<< 10:8f
TRAFFIC: [             915]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [             915]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [             915]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [             915]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [            1142]	>> 01:90:01
DEBUG:   [            1142]	TV (0): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'standby'
waiting for input
DEBUG:   [            1142]	>> TV (0) -> Recorder 1 (1): report power status (90)
DEBUG:   [            1142]	expected response received (90: report power status)
TRAFFIC: [            9594]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [            9594]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [            9594]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [            9595]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           19601]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           19602]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           19602]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           19602]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           29606]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           29606]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           29606]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           29607]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           39611]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           39611]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           39611]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           39611]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           49618]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           49618]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           49619]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           49619]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           59625]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           59625]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           59625]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           59626]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           69631]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           69631]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           69631]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           69632]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           79636]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           79636]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           79636]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           79636]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           89641]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           89641]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           89642]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           89642]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [           99646]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           99646]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [           99647]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [           99647]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          109654]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          109654]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          109654]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          109655]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          119658]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          119659]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          119659]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          119659]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          129664]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          129664]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          129664]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          129664]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          139668]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          139668]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          139668]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          139668]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          149673]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          149673]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          149673]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          149673]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          159678]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          159678]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          159678]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          159678]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          169683]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          169683]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          169683]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          169683]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          179688]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          179689]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          179689]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          179689]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          189693]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          189693]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          189693]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          189693]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
TRAFFIC: [          199699]	>> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          199699]	<< Recorder 1 (1) -> Broadcast (F): vendor id LG (e091)
TRAFFIC: [          199699]	<< 1f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG:   [          199699]	>> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)

It would be good if you could paste the output that you get


Hi Sam,

It shipped with July 2023 and CEC was working there - at least I believe it was; I updated it pretty much as soon as I got it running.

Here’s the output from cec-client:

root@OSMCBedroom1:/home/osmc# cec-client
No device type given. Using ‘recording device’
CEC Parser created - libCEC version 6.0.2
no serial port given. trying autodetect:
path: /dev/aocec
com port: AOCEC

opening a connection to the CEC adapter…
DEBUG: [ 48] Broadcast (F): osd name set to ‘Broadcast’
NOTICE: [ 48] connection opened
DEBUG: [ 48] << Broadcast (F) → TV (0): POLL
DEBUG: [ 48] processor thread started
TRAFFIC: [ 48] << f0
DEBUG: [ 77] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 77] TV (0): device status changed into ‘present’
DEBUG: [ 77] << requesting vendor ID of ‘TV’ (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 77] << f0:8c
TRAFFIC: [ 77] >> 0f:87:00:e0:91
DEBUG: [ 77] TV (0): vendor = LG (00e091)
DEBUG: [ 77] >> TV (0) → Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
DEBUG: [ 142] expected response received (87: device vendor id)
DEBUG: [ 142] replacing the command handler for device ‘TV’ (0)
DEBUG: [ 142] TV (0): CEC version 1.3a
DEBUG: [ 142] TV (0): menu language set to ‘eng’
DEBUG: [ 142] registering new CEC client - v6.0.2
DEBUG: [ 142] SetClientVersion - using client version ‘6.0.2’
NOTICE: [ 142] setting HDMI port to 1 on device TV (0)
DEBUG: [ 142] SetConfiguration: double tap timeout = 200ms, repeat rate = 0ms, release delay = 500ms
DEBUG: [ 142] detecting logical address for type ‘recording device’
DEBUG: [ 142] trying logical address ‘Recorder 1’
DEBUG: [ 142] << Recorder 1 (1) → Recorder 1 (1): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 142] << 11
WARNING: [ 182] Write: write failed
TRAFFIC: [ 182] << 11
DEBUG: [ 192] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 192] logical address ‘Recorder 1’ already taken
DEBUG: [ 192] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into ‘present’
DEBUG: [ 192] trying logical address ‘Recorder 2’
DEBUG: [ 192] << Recorder 2 (2) → Recorder 2 (2): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 192] << 22
DEBUG: [ 193] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 193] logical address ‘Recorder 2’ already taken
DEBUG: [ 193] Recorder 2 (2): device status changed into ‘present’
DEBUG: [ 193] trying logical address ‘Recorder 3’
DEBUG: [ 193] << Recorder 3 (9) → Recorder 3 (9): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 193] << 99
DEBUG: [ 193] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 193] logical address ‘Recorder 3’ already taken
DEBUG: [ 193] Recorder 3 (9): device status changed into ‘present’
ERROR: [ 193] AllocateLogicalAddresses - failed to allocate device ‘0’, type ‘recording device’
ERROR: [ 193] failed to find a free logical address for the client
unable to open the device on port AOCEC
ERROR: [ 193] failed to register the new CEC client - cannot allocate the requested device types
ERROR: [ 193] failed to register a CEC client
DEBUG: [ 193] unregistering all CEC clients



What else is connected to the TV?

In Kodi can you go to Settings → Input → Peripherals → CEC and change the device from a Recorder to a Player.

Please then reboot and see if it helps with things.

The TV only has 2 HDMI ports - there’s a BluRay player on HDMI1 and the Vero is on HDMI2. I’ve tried to set it as player and rebooted, but no joy.

Have you tried flipping the CEC setting in the TV off and then on again to see if this resets something? I would have thought unplugging it from the wall would have done this but perhaps not in this case. It looks to me like the situation is that the Vero is asking that TV to try to get an assignment on the bus and the TV just isn’t allowing it.