Vero V hangs after stopping any file

Updated last night to 21.1. Now when playing any TV show or movie I hit stop on remote and get black screen for around 30s before returning to normal home screen.

Is this just the TV switching modes and perhaps that got switched on when it wasn’t before? If you set player>settings>videos>adjust refresh rate to off does this behavior stop? It is recommended for that setting to be always or on start/stop to maximise picture quality, but turning it off will easily narrow down what your experiencing. You might also look at your UI resolution at settings>system>display>resolution and make sure that it isn’t set above 1080p. Some TV’s take longer to switch in and out of 4K screen modes, and 30 seconds seems really slow.

Not changed any TV settings. UI set at 1080p. Started immediately after update. Powered down overnight and same issue today.

Tried setting below to off and no difference. It still hangs at black screen for around 30s when press stop. It was previously set On start/stop. If I play a file then stop after a few seconds it’s fine., but stop file after few minutes and issue occurs

player>settings>videos>adjust refresh rate to off

This should be set to Always or Start/Stop for best results.

It was set start/stop… I switched it to off after first reply to test as requested.

If you post a log we should be able to see why it is hanging.

OK will do. Please can you help with instructions on retrieving log and I will try.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Depending on the used skin you have to set the settings-level to standard or higher, in summary:

  • enable debug logging at settings->system->logging

  • reboot the OSMC device twice(!)

  • reproduce the issue

  • upload the log set (all configs and logs!) either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A

  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

OSMC skin screenshot:

Thanks, will try later

Thanks for testing to make sure it wasn’t the TV mode switch that was causing the condition. The other common issue with this type of complaint is caused by files getting stuck in Kodi’s temp folder. You might consider accessing the terminal and running the following command…

rm -r ~/.kodi/temp && systemctl restart mediacenter

which will remove these files and restart Kodi. None of your settings or other userdata will be lost by running this.

Thanks, I removed the temp files as above and still have the same problem. I also noticed the box sits at preparing for a long time when booting since the update.

Will try and capture logs as requested as soon as I can.

OK I have captured and uploaded logs.

On boot my home screen loads and the banner shows ‘preparing’ for almost a minute before library scanning starts and completes…my old Vero 4K+ never took that long so assuming something is wrong on the Vero V.

I then played a video file for around 5 mins then hit stop on remote, the screen turned black for around a minute before my homescreen re-appeared.

Log URL:

Hopefully you are able to solve this one as it is really frustrating :slight_smile:

Note everything was fine until I ran the update last night. I had been watching a file no issue immediatly beforehand and have been using the Vero V since April this year.

What happens if you disable settings>system>power savings>Try to wakeup remote servers on access>?


After the last and recent update (21.1.0 from 08-24), I have the exact same problem with my Vero 4k+. There is absolutely no change in my setup other than that update.
And I have a new message popping regularly too “Waiting for the server to wake up” but my TrueNAS never goes asleep.

So while typing that above, I manually checked for updates and I applied the one from 08-25 and now the problem seems to be gone. I’ll see in the next days but for me there was a bug in the August update.

I will check the logs tomorrow.

I also am experiencing the ‘waiting for server’ message in addition to the lag after stopping a file playing and the slow boot.

Thanks for the info, I may apply previous update while we wait for Sam to investigate :pray:

From your log, you try to watch Britains Most Beautiful Road - S01E02 -.mkv.
That is fine but there are huge delays with:

2024-08-27 19:38:01.626 T:3059     info <general>: WakeOnAccess timeout/cancel while waiting for response
2024-08-27 19:38:01.627 T:3059  warning <general>: WakeOnAccess failed to bring up [] - there may be trouble ahead !

This system is either offline or unavailable (at least at that IP)
When Kodi gives up trying to wake this device up, it resumes as normal. doesn’t look like a static IP, unless you are keeping < 50 as dynamic and >50 as static; so I would check that the device you expect to be at is still indeed on that IP


Thanks Sam. The .51 IP is correct and I ran the file for 5 minutes before stopping. The file is on the NAS at that address. Its when I stop the file I get the minute lag before my homescreen returns.

Yes, and after you stop, we get this repeatedly:

2024-08-27 19:37:11.589 T:3059    error <general>: socket failed: Permission denied (13)
2024-08-27 19:37:21.596 T:3059    error <general>: Skipped 49 duplicate messages..
2024-08-27 19:37:21.596 T:3059    error <general>: socket failed: Permission denied (13)
2024-08-27 19:37:31.604 T:3059    error <general>: Skipped 49 duplicate messages..
2024-08-27 19:37:31.604 T:3059    error <general>: socket failed: Permission denied (13)
2024-08-27 19:37:41.611 T:3059    error <general>: Skipped 49 duplicate messages..
2024-08-27 19:37:41.611 T:3059    error <general>: socket failed: Permission denied (13)
2024-08-27 19:37:51.619 T:3059    error <general>: Skipped 49 duplicate messages..
2024-08-27 19:37:51.619 T:3059    error <general>: socket failed: Permission denied (13)
2024-08-27 19:38:01.626 T:3059     info <general>: Skipped 49 duplicate messages..

I can look in to that, but would appreciate if you could check if turning Wake on Access off helps. Might need to reboot after making that change.