Vero V hangs after stopping any file


Ok disabled ‘wakeup remote servers.’

Rebooted and didnt get the lag with banner showing configuring.

Ran file for 5 mins and blackscreen showed for about 1s so no lag this time, it went straight back to homescreen.

My NAS is set to come on 16:00 to 23:00 normally though.i manually booted it to test today. So need wake on lan outside of those times. I dont want it running 24-7.

I’ve looked in to this. Have you ever used Wake on LAN on OSMC?

I’ve just taken a look and can’t see how it ever could have actually worked, because we aren’t giving Kodi raw sockets support. Sure – it may have not hanged before (I suspect the way it would wait has changed), but I can’t see how we could’ve actually sent a Wake on LAN request successfully…

I know how to fix this now, just actually wondering if it ever worked…

I think you’re one of the few people to ever actually try and use this feature. A lot of other people have just been using the wakeonlan command which will work.

If you’re familiar with SSH I could suggest a change for you to try.

Sorry for the delayed response I was blocked from replying for 5 hrs as a new forum user… :roll_eyes:

I believe wol worked at some stage on my Vero(s) but not 100% sure. My NAS and Vero power uptimes are set to match. I tend to use Ping app to send wake packets to my NAS from my tablet if I need to access it at other times. But it would be useful if the Vero could also wake it.

I owned WDTV and Mede8or boxes, prior to Vero 4k and the Vero V. Pretty sure at least one of them had working wol.

Yes I can access my Vero via ssh if you want me to.

I’ve increased your trust level so you shouldn’t have that problem.

Shouldn’t be a problem.

Please try the following:

systemctl stop mediacenter
sudo wget "" -O /usr/bin/mediacenter
systemctl start mediacenter

This should solve the problem (no hangs) and WoL should work. If you can test this it would be most appreciated



thanks, will try tomorrow when back home. Do I need to re-enable ‘wake up remote servers’ after adding the code ?


OK I added the code. Booted vero WITHOUT wake up server enabled and got error message Web server failed to start…

I then enabled wake up remote server rebooted also got Web server failed to start error plus Vero stuck at configuring for a minute or so. NAS did not boot either.

Tried each scenario a few times with same results.

I think I will need to remove the code if you can tell me how and just disable wake remote server setting. So Vero works as it did prior to update.

Ignore web server issue, I know what that will be and can fix

Can you confirm if it does fix the hang and Wake on LAN works though?


Hi Sam. As per previous reply. With remote server wake enabled NAS does not boot and Vero still gets stuck at preparing. I didn’t get chance to check if file hangs after hitting stop as NAS did not start up.

Can you upload a logo so I can see if the Wake on Access is working? I would like to fix it properly.

Don’t worry about the web server message

I can maybe try later but I am away from tomorrow for a few days


OK so I enabled logging rebooted twice. Then enabled wake remote server then rebooted. NAS did not start and system stuck at preparing for a few minutes.

Logs uploaded. URL:

Please post the output of paste-log /usr/bin/mediacenter as I am not sure that the changes I suggeste have been applied.

osmc@osmc-w:~$ paste-log /usr/bin/mediacenter

It did download and install an update yesterday just so you are aware , in case that has caused any changes

Yes looks like those changes got overwritten. You would need to apply them again as above.

I have the same issue with OSMC on RPi - no issues before latest update.
WoL actively used.
Will attempt the fix posted & update on result.

I cannot see how WoL could have ever worked on OSMC in the past. It might not have hanged, but it definitely wouldn’t have woke anything.

The fix posted is for Vero, not Pi

Hi Sam,
OK re-applied update as below. Still get same issue. Please can you check ?

osmc@osmc-w:~$ systemctl stop mediacenter
osmc@osmc-w:~$ sudo wget “” -O /usr/bin/medi acenter
–2024-09-02 16:27:42--
Resolving (…, 2a00:da00:f201:4f00::1
Connecting to (||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/mediacenter’

/usr/bin/mediacente [ <=> ] 7.29K --.-KB/s in 0s

2024-09-02 16:27:43 (18.7 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/mediacenter’ saved [7465]
osmc@osmc-w:~$ systemctl start mediacenter

Ran check also:

paste-log /usr/bin/mediacenter
osmc@osmc-w:~$ paste-log /usr/bin/mediacenter