Vero V hangs after stopping any file

It was definitely working before the update. Had to export the config for my Chromecast sticks (and it still works on them).
I’ll check the config to see if any of the additional options on will kick it back to life.
Do you think it working be Confluence specific?
Do you want me to open a new thread rather than hijack this one?

WoL is now working as expected after changing the config to use the following:
pingport = 3306 / pingmode = 1
I use mySQL on the NAS.
I haven’t had a chance to test if OSMC hangs when stopping a video.

Any update Sam? I am happy enough to not use WOL but I have Web server failed to start since applying fix and I would like it cleared.

You can run the command: sudo apt-get install --reinstall vero5-mediacenter-osmc to restore things as they were.

Thanks hopefully wol gets resolved in another update :slight_smile:

@kseventy is reporting it as working.

I’ll have a look at it again shortly.

Yes. Definitely working now for me after tweaking the wakonlan.xml settings.
No hanging when pressing stop or when changing folders.