Vero V hangs playing UHD rips

I have gone back to the Vero 4K+ because of this problem, and looking forward to a possible solution.

Just wanted to add that im experiencing the same on Vero 4K+ when im connected to my Unifi AP U6 Pro , but not on my other APs
Ill try to catch logs but every time it crashes i cant even ssh

Havenā€™t had reports of Vero 4K affected and this uses a different WiFi driver, would need to see some logs. Interesting to know itā€™s also a Unfi 6 Pro causing the issue.

Same here, keeps hanging with same problems as above when on wifi. No problems when on LAN. Wanted to return the device but because of no problems now i will use it like this.

This is why I donā€™t think itā€™s a hardware issue but rather a bug with the driver.

Also: can you give me the MAC addresses on the bottom of the device?

Hi Sam,

my Vero V MAC is: 94CC04600B35.

MAC address on bottom is 94:cc:04:60:0a:cd
The wlan MAC address is a0:67:20:09:b5:0d

Thanks, thatā€™s good to know. I just want to make sure I am testing on a device with the exact same WiFi and BT implementation.

I can test my wifi this evening and let you know. I watch UHD often with no problems but over wired.

I tested WIFI, I have a TP link 660hd and its like 1m away from the Vero V. Unfortunately it froze when playing the first UHD file after a few minutes. Switched back to wired.

Not much I can do with that without more information.

If you just leave it connected but donā€™t play anything, does it freeze?

Any news on this issue?

Not yet. @chris8 sent back his device, but I could not reproduce a problem after several days with it. It also passed all memory tests.

Thanks for the reply.

Did @chris8 get a new device? If he did, is he able to reproduce the problem with the new device?

I have gone back to the Vero 4K+ because of the problem.

I thought about buying another Vero V to rule out my device, but itā€™s quite a lot of money just for that, and if it is not just my device, i have two problematic devices.
Do you have some kind of a sd/usb bootable image with tools to test memory? or how did you test the memory?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I have not replaced it yet, because I cannot reproduce a problem with the device.

I am happy to swap it for him regardless, but canā€™t see it solving the issue he reported.

Likewise if you arenā€™t seeing other problems with the device, I canā€™t see how it would be a hardware problem. Still suspect a driver issue.

Still waiting for the replacement. Like you Iā€™m back to using a Vero 4k+.
I liked the Vero 4k+ so much that I bought a back-up unit as 99% of my viewing is via the Vero. Had high hopes for the Vero V but unfortunately it has let me down. Works fine if I donā€™t play UHD content. Both of my 4k+'s play UHD content just fine with no freezing.

Okay, I can send you a replacement shortly. I was away from email yesterday so if youā€™ve sent a reply I havenā€™t checked it just yet.

Sometimes thereā€™s an engineering change level in manufacturing and a later batch (if you have one) may possibly hold some promise in resolving a compatibility issue.
Yes, it could be a driver issue but why arenā€™t more users seeing it? It is painfully obvious here. And Iā€™ve tested the Vero V with 3 different access points under various conditions. With SMB, NFS 3, and NFS 4; mounting with and without systemd, with 2.4ghz and 5ghz, all with no success while the 4k+ has none of the issues - the freezing when playing UHD and the pausing of communication when shelled in.
Was silently hoping maybe you had some built with a different wlan chipset than that specific China Dragon Technology one.

One thing we didnā€™t consider, although it seems highly unlikely, is an issue with the power supply. I donā€™t see how that could be the problem but Iā€™ve seen a lot of strange things in my 47 years in IT.

Iā€™ll be happy to receive a replacement and hope for the best. Will continue to troubleshoot if needed. I relocated the Kodi database to mariadb so I can readily switch units. And in the worst case will wait for the Vero V+.

Thatā€™s what i was thinking as well.