Vero V hangs playing UHD rips

I considered that – usually it’s the few variables I can’t test before dispatch.
Can only test a few plugs and there are additional variations like voltage in the UK.

All WiFi modules for Vero V are Realtek RTL8822CS. It’s a known and widely used 802.11ac module. We have been using them in test units since 2019 (RTL8822BS) module and the CS module since 2020. But we have limited WiFi equipment to test with.

What I did find last night is that I can make the Vero V crash on WiFi with minimal traffic (also slow to type on SSH) if I enable:

  • Daily channel optimisation
  • Set band steering to ‘Prefer 5Ghz’

I am waiting for the next crash (likely when Unifi does optimisation) to work out why. After the crash, I couldn’t connect any iPhone to the network either, but my laptop was working fine.

I am sure i encounter the same problem. Hopeless freezing on UHD rips when on WIFI. No problems at all when on wired connection.

I will use the device like this but i can see that this is not a sollution for any one.

I have band steering set to off, and manually configured the channels in unifi, not using * Daily channel optimization.

I have another quality power supply i can try tomorrow, to see if that helps.

On top of emails now, nothing new since discussed on 23/07 but didn’t know if you’d sent anything earlier yesterday.

I will do some more checks tomorrow and then arrange a replacement accordingly



My only info was from using Wireshark’s OUI lookup tool which shows China Dragon Technology as the manufacturer. The wifi in the 4k+'s is from AMPAK Technology.

The module is from Realtek. WiFi firmware and driver is also from Realtek.

It’s Broadcom AP6255/6256 SoC.

We looked at newer Broadcom WiFi modules, but the performance was very poor compared to Realtek and there were other issues. We also explored AMLogic’s W1 solution, but that’s a disaster in terms of driver and designed specifically for Android use.

I didn’t jump through any hoops to get it to crash - just playing UHD.

I never lost any network access with my other gear during a Vero V freeze but the Vero’s are on their own vlan so if it did something to affect traffic on that vlan I would not have noticed.

I appreciate that, really do. This is not the kind of experience I want to give you, particularly as a loyal customer!

Give it a few days and it will be solved one way or another.
You reported this in November 2023 (please do give us credit that you disappeared for a while regarding this topic) so hopefully those extra few days don’t matter if it is solved properly.

Same applies for everyone else that has posted here :slight_smile:



According to the OUI, China Dragon is the fabricator of the Realtek device that was in my unit. Seems Realtek uses many fabicators to produce their devices.

I did snooze on the followup as UHD wasn’t that important to me at the time, and when I went back to looking into it was hoping some upgrades in the meantime had fixed it.
No worries, you get a lot of credit. Thank you for your help and hard work!