Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote

Is anything near the device or even the remote?

I assume you have tried re-pairing and changed the battery.

Thanks for your reply.
There is really nothing close to either Vero or the remote that could interfere with any of them or block signal. I have no peripherals/USB attached to the Vero. I am using wifi for networking.

I have not tested with change of battery or re-pairing yet.
I will try it and do some more testing.

Btw, what would be the correct way to remove the remote and re-pair it?
For the old remote w/ separate RF-dongle there was a certain process, but how about the new remote?

It’s more important to point the vero at the remote, ie try to have the translucent screen facing you.

eh? do you mean point the remote at the vero ?

Anyhow, the remote is only RF based at the moment AFAIK. The infra red side of things is not in use yet, and the propagation of RF is different to that for infra-red light ?

No, there is some directionality to the receiver where the reception is better if the Vero is pointed in the general direction of where the remote signal is coming from.

Ah, OK so the RF gain pattern of the receiving antenna is better with more precise positioning wrt to the transmitter (remote).

Performance of this HW revision of remote/dongle is not as good as it was in earlier revisions and it could potentially be in future.

Is the issue with the dongle receiver OR the remote transmitter OR both ?

The goal would be to have the next revision to have this be a complete non-issue. The remote and dongle that is currently shipping with the Vero V is actually the same as what had been shipping with the last of the 4K’s and what has been sold when someone purchased the remote by itself since early this year. There hadn’t been any uptick in issues reported so it wasn’t really expected when it was found that it could behave badly in certain situations with the V.

My understanding is that when an updated dongle comes it will pair with the existing remote and will have a very good range.

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Can i register the 3 year old rf dongle with the new remote that comes with Vero V?


No, the current generation remote will not pair at all with dongles from previous generations. You can plug in a three year old rf dongle and use it with the three year old remote it came with though.

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So, I’ve been able to play around a bit more with the Vero V and the funny thing is that the remote is performing much better now.

The only thing I’ve done is to take out the original battery from the remote and put it back again, making sure it was fitted properly. I have no explanation for this sudden improvement but I’m happy that it now works just as good as the Vero4K remote.

Maybe it needed some time getting warmed up :laughing:

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"We will make an external USB receiver available at cost, likely before the end of the month. "

Is there any update on this yet please ?

Not at this time. As soon as I have one I will put it here.

I will send some to the team for testing soon.
We are working on the software support for this presently.

I can appreciate this isn’t ideal and we are working on this as a matter of urgency



Sam wrote this 3 days ago, already in October, so the ETA being end of the month would be end of October…

Would like to add that I’m having the same issues with the Vero V remote. I’m 2m away and unobstructed. I have a USB 2.5 Drive attached to one of the ports. It is very frustrating.
For the moment I’ve paired my 6 year old Vero 4k remote + dongle which works perfectly. However, my bedroom Vero 4k is now without remote.

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Is this a USB 3.0 device? If so, you can try using the USB 2 port instead of the USB 3 port (the blue one). Also make sure you physically locate the drive towards the rear of the Vero and orient the Vero such that the front (the shiny side) is facing the general direction the remote is coming from. You can also try using an extension cable, or a longer male to male cable to physically locate the drive a bit farther from the Vero to improve the performance for now. Additionally if the Vero is located in close proximity to other devices using ~2.4 ghz radio frequencies (particularly routers or wireless access points) locating them away from each other should prove beneficial as well.


I did have problems also but could overcome them, albeit at the cost of using no USB hub.

  1. Temporary setup on my computer desk without any USB peripherals connected: No problems with remote. Did updates and copied old Vero 4k+ settings to the new Vero 5.
  2. Replacing the Vero 4k+ in the living room, connecting an ODAC² USB-Soundcard directly to USB2, a BluRay drive, a K400 Keyboard USB-Dongle and accidently the 4k+ remote dongle via a powered Transcend USB3 hub to the USB3 port. Vero 5 remote was without any response but 4k+ remote worked flawlessly.
  3. Removed 4k+ remote dongle. Vero 5 remote started working but with blackouts ranging from 3-10 seconds.
  4. Removed USB hub and all connected devices, USB soundcard still connected. Vero 5 remote works fine.
  5. Connected USB3 hub only to USB3 on Vero 5 and remote still works.
  6. BluRay drive (itself USB2) connected to USB3 hub: Remote fails temporarily as before.
  7. BluRay drive directly to USB3 port: Remote works again also while playing a DVD.

Here I stopped my trials yesterday. I did no range determination and distance between Vero 5 and remote was between 0.3 and 2 m in my environment. There is a WIFI AP on 2.4 and 5 GHz active, distance to Vero 5 is about 2 m.

According to this I suspect an interference between the external USB3 port and the internal port which the OSMC Remote Controller is connected to. “lsusb -t” shows the BluRay drive and the OSMC Remote Controller on the same internal USB hub.

Yes it is a USB 3.0 5TB portable drive connected via the blue USB port.
The shiny side of the V is facing forwards and sits next to a PS5 if that matters. All nearby devices are connected via ethernet, rather than WiFi.
I’ll do some tests later after work.

I’ve noticed missed key-presses using my IR remote on the vero5. Especially noticeable when using left/right to attempt 10s, 30s, 1m skips to jump past commercials in recordings (or previously paused live tv), as it’s difficult to successfully make a “double” or “triple” left click to do a 30s or 1m jump. I was chalking it up to the vero5 not having a remote IR sensor, but maybe there’s something other than the hardware sensors going on if every type of remote has this sort of behavior?

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The IR sensor in the Vero’s have a completely different issue where they can have some kind of conflict during playback such that they can act something other than optimal. I don’t recall the details off hand but if your really curious I know Sam had detailed that issue more than once on this forum. I believe the internal IR sensor has not functionally changed between the Vero 4 and 5. The issues that people are posting about here in this thread are entirely between the remote and the receiving dongle. I don’t think we have seen any reports of issues on any third party USB IR dongle, RF dongle, or with CEC outside of the usual variability that always comes with using CEC (ie different OEM’s implement it a bit different).

IR sensor is the same - issue should only occur during playback.

We should have it solved with move to 5.15 kernel. The issue is not hardware related.