Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote

Thank you @darwindesign
Did some tests by moving my 2.5 portable drive to the USB 2.0 slot and removing my Vero 4k remote dongle.
Tested for 20 mins of constant presses and no issues with Vero V remote.
Also tested playback of some large 4k files on the 2.5 drive and advanced through playback no issues (though I suspect USB 2.0 throughput is still more than is needed for smooth playback).
Is a fix planned for the USB 3.0 port interference?

We will produce a dongle (as well as some recommendations) that will somewhat mitigate USB3 interference. But it’s impossible to avoid it completely due to the nature of how USB3 is implemented.


USB 2 is a 480 mb/s communications standard. Compressed video, outside of some purpose built test clips, doesn’t normally exist much above 100 mb/s and what most people find themselves actually playing is significantly less than that. The benefits to having a USB 3 connection generally revolve around increased network file transfer speed or a wider pipe in a setup where multiple high speed devices are attached to a system. It is worth noting that the RF interference that comes from USB 3 communication only happens when it is communicating using that protocol. If you don’t need the higher speed, but you want to use the blue USB socket, one can just use a USB 2.0 cable or hub to force the slower connection type. For devices using USB C this can often be accomplished by using a cable listed as being a “charging cable.”


I have been having issues with missing keypresses too with nothing plugged in. I am 3.6 meters away. When I plug USB 3 flash drive it’s completely unusable unless I am within 1 meter away. Very disappointing.

Just a heads up that I’m experiencing the same. The Vero 4k+ never missed a remote keypress.

Is there any update on the “Vero-V missing remote keypresses” solution please ?

Thank you in anticipation.


Yes - we are still awaiting some new samples, then we will have some advice for those affected.

With some changes to software and hardware we are able to get around 8M with a USB3 device connected and 12M without one connected.

As promised before, I will let you know when I have an update.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Standby blue led

For users experiencing this issue: what I have found is when the interface is unresponsive it is tempting but not productive to mash the buttons on the remote. Better to wait a couple of seconds then try again. From what I’ve been able to measure, the remote uses multiple frequencies and I suspect some of these are less affected by USB3 interference than others. Waiting and re-trying could be re-setting the frequency-hopping sequence.

FWIW I also find holding the remote high over my head works best :smiley:

All very unfortunate but a solution seems to be on the horizon.

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I can confirm that waiting few seconds solves the issue, button mashing does not.

Unfortunately, I also have the same problems with the remote control of the Vero V.
I have not connected any USB3 devices.
Only an HDMI cable and a Lan cable are connected.
Nevertheless, the Vero V reacts very badly to the remote control (3m).

Got my Vero V on Monday and set it up yesterday evening unfortunately encountering the same issue. For what it’s worth (probably nothing), the battery that came with the new remote was dead on arrival (got the low battery warning on screen), had to replace it with the battery from the Vero 4K+ remote.

I’ll try to connect my USB Hub (the one from the OSMC Store) to the USB 2.0 port instead to see if that helps. Otherwise I understand I can use the dongle and remote from the Vero 4K+ for the time being.

Looking forward to a proper solution in the future. Thanks!

This is surprising. Can you please show a photo of the environment in which the Vero V is positioned?


Just got my V in the mail today.
Looking forward to setting it up this weekend.
As someone who currently has ten USB3 HDDs hooked up to their Vero 4K+ it should be interesting to see how the V and it’s remote handle my setup.
A little unrelate, but similar, all this dongle interference reminds me of issues we had with old wireless Logitech mice back in the day.
Logitech began to include an extender dongle stand with their wireless mice and it worked great.
Having the dongle plugged in to the back of your PC tower cause lots of stuttering for many users.
So you use the extender stand to relocate the dongle closer to the actual mouse somewhere on your desk and it worked great.


So I was thinking this might be a solution for some users but then I remembered that the V has it’s dongle plugged in to the motherboard internally.
And if I remember correctly Sam said opening it up voids the warrantee so that would probably not be advised.
Just thought I’d throw my thoughts out there and maybe it get’s some ideas bouncing around.

We will have a solution for those affected shortly and will keep you updated.

Nothing to worry about


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Same here, suddenly no more missing keypresses! In my case I unplugged the USB Hub from the 3.0 port and put it in the 2.0 port. Then I played around the UI for a while doing lots of key strokes, not experiencing any misses. At some point I realised that the attached drives weren’t connected, and I couldn’t make it work with the 2.0 port so I plugged the HUB back into the 3.0 port. The result was that the drives reconnected and the remote kept behaving well. Strange right?

So the only ‘issue’ for me is that the 2.0 port doesn’t recognise my HUB (the one from the OSMC store). I tried a random USB stick and that worked fine so the port works, just not with this HUB. Anyway, not really an issue for me as long as the remote keeps working well with the HUB in the 3.0 port :slight_smile:

Same issue here, when plugging in a SanDisk USB-Stick Ultra Shift 64GB (SDCZ410). Removing it and remote works properly again. Haven’t tried it on the USB 2.0 port yet, since I am only using the stick very rarely.

All the best

I don’t know if it’s worth noting, but I have nothing connected to my Vero V’s USB ports. Just HDMI, LAN and power. Still experience the remote missing key presses.

When you say same issue, you mean the USB2 port not working when you plug a device in to the USB3 port?


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Same issue, meaning the remote doesn’t work properly. Missing keypresses, unresponsive, lagging. When the SanDisk stick is used in USB3 port of Vero V.