Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote

I’m having remote problems with my new Vero V as well. Every once in a while, the keypresses on the remote will not register any more. Pressing again and again is usually futile, as is changing location. What works is to simply wait a moment (make it five seconds), then try again - usually problem is gone.

I have not connected any USB devices to the Vero V.

Is there any news about the new, more sensitive remote dongle?

Just chiming in. Just received my Vero V and have been experiencing the same missed input issues.

My setup

  • Connected via wifi
  • 2m away from Vero V which is on the TV unit (fully open environment and full line of site)
  • No USB peripherals connected, just power and HDMI

I have the old Vero 4k remote and based on others advice I will use that as a stop gap solution.

I also wanted to note that the battery that came with my remote was only 2.7v and needed replacing and that did have a noticeable impact on responsiveness.

This sounds to me like your dealing with interference in the 2.4ghz range. Do you have a nearby router or similar device? If you have a strong signal the pairing happens usually pretty quick. If you have a situation where the signal between the remote and the dongle is poor I’ve seen it take up to 14 seconds to re-pair in the worse cases. While it is trying to switch frequencies I think pushing buttons just extends out this process.

Sam had recently posted …

A couple of testers (team) have reported some positive results with a new dongle.

A couple more checks and then I can sign off on some improvements.

Yes, I’m pretty sure that I am. Bluetooth especially is known to be “roaming” through the spectrum - my picture looks to me as if any time some device happens to temporarily use a specific frequency, the Vero remote looses out. Some moments later, the other device has “moved on” to another frequency, and the Vero remote is working again.

I’m also investigating whether I have interference through the Ethernet cable - I had that once before with another device. Is this a possibility, or are there filters inside the Vero that should block such interference?

Ok, but no timetable yet…?

The current remote behaviour is a minor annoyance, nothing more. Still, I’ll be very much looking forward to a fix, when it becomes available.


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Once we start production of a final dongle design it’ll be about 3 weeks to get them finished and in. Hopefully we can get things rolling soon.

The good news is that there are improvements and it should then work nearly perfectly in all environments.

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I can’t say this is a topic I remember ever running across. I would think that the differencing signal that ethernet uses would filter by the nature of its design as far as the electrical signal coming in. If you have the ability to just physically move the Vero over a bit that may help. In one spot I had been testing in (specifically chosen due to poor performance with this device) I found that moving the Vero over just six inches made a drastic improvement.

actually, it’s defintely much reduced but I am still having the odd keypress lost with no usb devices near. maybe 5 % rather than the 50% I had with the usb key plugged in.

spoke too soon - back to ignoring about 10-30 % of keypresses…

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4 posts were split to a new topic: VeroV delayed remote keys

I just upgraded from a Vero 4K to a V and am experiencing the same problem. About 4 meters from remote to the Vero. About every 10th to 20th keypress is ignored, so it’s not a big problem, but it would be nice if it could be resolved.
No WiFi, Bluetooth in use or any USB device plugged in.


I have read through this topic, and just wanted to confirm that i am experiencing the same problem (for your statistics ;-), and am monitoring this topic to see what solution will be released.

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Absolutely exact same situation (upgrade from 4k to V, 2m distance, battery in new had to be replaced anyway). Even with new battery, remote is still stunting.

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Any news on the updated dongle please ?

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Current ETA is approximately 17th January for production to finish.


The differential signal may very well still be decoded quite fine, but that does not eliminate the interference that may exist on the cable. If that interference gets into the device and e.g. couples over to the ground plane, you basically have this interference everywhere, not just at the “entry” interface. If the device also contains a RF receiver, its input stage can get “saturated” by the noise, loosing the SNR ratio towards the user signal.

In my case, I had a smarthome RF base station connected via ethernet. Over time I noticed that while the RF connection to my (868 MHz radio) devices did work in principle, there were a lot of retransmissions (up to 60 or 70%.)

The reason turned out to be the routing of the ethernet cable the base station was connected with: The (unshielded) patch cable ran along the back of a PC, excactly at the hight of the IO shield and thus as close to both the interfaces and the CPU as possible. I measured the RF spectrum there; it was a literal carpet of noise.

After I routed the cable differently (just put it down on the floor instead of running it 30 cm high behind the PC), the retransmissions were gone. Mind you, I didn’t even replace the cable or made a detour, just moved it down a few centimeters “out of the RF noise hot zone”.

Ethernet connectivity to the base station was never compromised, the ethernet connection was working flawlessly. But the noise must have entered there and completly overpowered the RF receiver.

In the case at hand:

I don’t have any USB device connected to my Vero V at all, and yet still my remote is “spotty”. That makes me wonder if there isn’t a problem that hasn’t even been looked at yet.


The usb dongle that has been the current model this last year does not seem quite as robust dealing with interference as the model previous to it but even with the older models there has been the occasional situation where RF interference around the 2.4 ghz spectrum could impact the range or reliability of the remote. This has normally come in the form of someone who has a wireless access point physically located quite close to the receiver, but can come from other environmental factors as well. Reports of these issues outside the the USB 3 interference have been pretty few and far between though. I don’t think there has been more than maybe a handful show up on the forum this last year (from memory).

Ok. Let’s just wait for the new dongle and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

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If this helps at all: I have replaced the vero 4+ directly with the V in exactly the same position with ethernet cable, hdmi and nothing else installed to the box. It is in the middle of all my gear but has a clear LOS to the seating position about 4m away. Without changing power supplies and direct swapping, the 4+ has never ever in my memory not responded to a keypress. the V in the same location is currently ignoring about 30% ish of keypresses.

I also find the V remote is a lot more “clicky” than the 4+ (is that even a word…) and needs a much more positive slower harder push to seemingly make it work - this maybe a combination of the ignoring that is going on and requires a longer signal to get it working.

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Where will I be able to get one? Changed batteries, paired again, nothing connected to USB, WiFi router is in the other room. Still missing key presses. Thanks Sam?

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This is true, though the ‘clicky’ nature of the remote is subjectively no worse than the 4K’s slightly mushier input.

On a tangentially related note, if a more deluxe, appealing and backlit remote was made available for the Vero V, I’d be willing to pony up and buy one. The existing remote is functional, but for something I use all the time I’d like a nicer option.