Vero V Remote STILL Missing Button Presses

I’m glad to hear you enjoy the new device, and I want you to have the best experience possible.
I’m confident we can solve things for you.

I don’t twist anything. I think if you are trying to change HDMI cables to see if there is an improvement you may not be aware of the issue that was actually ongoing. It has nothing to do with this.

The full story is here: Vero V missing keypresses & pairing other osmc remote. Not redacted and not censored.

Your device won’t have the improved dongle given your order number. So we are happy to send you a new dongle and I have outlined how to do this via PM.

But keep in mind that I am not necessarily convinced this is going to solve your problem…
As you’ve had the product for over three months now, I am surprised you only bring it up now. When did you become aware of the issue?
