Video freeze

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Letā€™s swap the unit over and see if that helps with things. The device shouldnā€™t be freezing up during standard operation.

Send an email to with order # and link to this thread and I will get it sorted. Worst case it doesnā€™t fix anything, best it does.

Mail sent.

Is there a way to resolve this from OSMC? Iā€™m currently running into issues when using WiFi for movies with high bit-rates. Iā€™ve got a Mad Max 4K HDR that peaks at over 100Mbps and it freezes for a few seconds at the very beginning. Sometimes it will recover and start loading. Other times it will just hang. Iā€™m able to exit by stopping the movie most times, but the loading is bad enough to make those movies unwatchable.

This issue is not present with a wired connection. Unfortunately, I donā€™t have a wired connection where my media center is located. Is there a way to control how much buffer is used for a wireless connection?


Sounds like your issue may be different to the original poster. So can you please create a new topic with logs and specify which platform you are running osmc on (vero5, vero4k/4k or pi)?

Regards Tom.

I also happened to notice I was getting that ā€œAMLInsecureVideoCodec::addData: packet too big:ā€ error message when playing a local file. Doesnā€™t freeze kodi though and seems to play just fine.

If playback is fine thatā€™s not an issue. The decoder has a buffer and we will manage its size. You will see some of these messages if you pause a video and thatā€™s absolutely normal.

Just to clarify: that ā€œpacket too bigā€ message isnā€™t an error at all. That message and its error level is just completely wrong. Iā€™m already reworking that code and that message will go. The reason for that message is, that it should tell us that the decoder input queue is full. Thatā€™s it. That happens easily if you pause playback, because in the background Kodi continues to feed the decoder with packets, and it could also happen if there are a couple of really large packets put into the queue. In neither cases that is an error, it is just a kind of ā€œinfoā€ message.