Video freezes after seeking

Since the July 2015 update (15.1-RC1) I am having problems seeking within a video. After seeking a few times, the audio plays correctly, but the video freezes on the frame where the seek started.

Without seeking, the videos play fine from start to finish.

Enabling omxplayer does not resolve the issue.

You can find a log of this issue at:


There is currently a bug with seeking videos that aren’t hardware accelerated.
Your video is MPEG-2 and without the licence you get software decode.

There is a fix for this and it will appear in next update.

I also am having issues with videos freezing on seeking or pausing. The audio still plays but the screen is frozen and a forced reboot or power cycle is the oh thing that will fix.

I was messing around trying to get acestreams and p2p-streams to work so maybe I broke something? Or maybe it’s the July bug as mentioned above?

Here is my logfile:

Press O when the video is playing and check what video codec is in use. (the third line which will say something like dc:omx-h264 or similar)

If the codec is mpeg2 or vc1 do you have the appropriate license file installed ?

Debug was not enabled for this log.
Also no support for pirate add-ons here.
Try to find a similar failure with a legal add-on (e.g. something in the main kodi repo) or a local file.

Hmm…I have this exact same problem…probably due to the fact that I didn’t purchase a new MPEG-2 license when I upgraded my Raspberry Pi from the old one to the new Model 2. Are MPEG-2 licenses transferable to new devices? Can I just grab the license key I used for my original Raspberry? Or is the license key bound to the device?

They are not transferable so you will have to buy a separate license for your new Pi.