What are you looking forward to in Kodi 18?

Hello. I’m curious. Why are you excited to have the new update for Vero? What features are you most looking forward to? :grin:

Music Library improvement and retro games new feature.


Nothing particularly, just incremental updates on a system I’m already happy with.

I hear there may be some improvements to the already excellent OSMC skin coming, those will be worth looking at.


DRM wine stuff…

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Are there some screenshots of the new skin for OSMC kodi 18? Any news on what is beeing added? I really like the OSMC skin. Tried Kodi default and many others, but nothing beats the simplicity of OSMC. I think there is room for advancement on movie info page. Implementation of more ratings like plex, better layout for actors and crew etc. We’ll see.

I’m quite happy with what I got via OSMC/Kodi. I use it in a commercial setting:

  • they only thing missing is a working access to Amazon Prime Videos, and Netflix.
  • improvements with regards to scraping of metadata for audio/video would be nice. Also
  • the pictures feature could be much better when it comes to metadata management or let’s say make use of metadata for presentation.

Although I don’t know if there’s a lot to expect in tis respect.


Ideas for the skin are always welcome. Could you maybe elaborate on what you have in mind as improvements for the skin?

There will be a change log for the new update also offering information on skin changes. Besides that, the skin included in @gmc’s v18 nightlies is the latest and greatest. Still ironing out the last bugs and looking to improve a thing here and there before the stable v18.1 release. You may also look at our Git skin repo for information: GitHub - osmc/skin.osmc


480p and 576p output are critically important (and still won’t work quite as they should in v18 unless something’s changed recently, but it’ll be a lot better than not having them at all).

If playback of 4K/HLG streams from iPlayer ends up working, that’ll be a nice bonus.

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The wide list option that Estuary has would be nice, I say that not knowing how complicated that would be for you.

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You mean a list like we already have it, but with plot text?

Well since requests are welcome, I absolutely love the InfoWall option in Estuary - essentially the same as the Wall list, but with information on the side. Very useful.

However, my main wish for the skin is something as simple as additions to the background picture. Instead of just a single image, I’d like to be able to add a folder that the skin scrolls through for the background image. (Or even multiple folders because why not? Just add them as sources, essentially.)

The skin is wonderful in general, though. =)


Will have a look at that view and how we could possibly add something similar. Not sure whether this will be doable for the stable v18.1 OSMC release though.

This is already on the request list, but honestly doesn’t have a high priority atm. I’ve briefly looked into how difficult it would be to implement this. Another script would be needed, it would probably be at quite a significant performance cost and it’s not trivial at all. But it’s on the list and I’ll eventually look into it again. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m in no hurry. And if a background picture gallery is a lot of effort and a performance hit for something that’s far from crucial, I’ll understand whatever decision you make. Thanks for the reply!:smile:

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Thanks for your understanding and for your nice words! Great that you like our skin :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Chillbo I’m a fan of the OSMC skin :smile: Nice work.

Is it possible to have a pointer in the timeline when someone tries to skip forward or backward during playback?

Another vote here for Netflix access. I’ve heard that DRM support should allow for an add-on to support this.

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There is one, I’ve been using it for a while now on the OSMC nightlies. It works quite well now that Kodi is a bit more stable. However, an issue is 1080p (and above) playback because the DRM doesn’t currently allow hardware decryption.

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The ability for the overscan adjustments to be remembered? Unless i’m missing something?

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To my knowledge that is still not addressed yet.

Why do you need overscan?