3D Frame Packed output

Can I make this with TextEdit and save as disp_cap_3d.txt (Mac)?

Sorry to ask again…

It doesn’t have a file extension

And how can I make this File? Very sorry but I need your help,
I’m a beginner in these things…

Access the commandline in Vero by ssh.

Then you need to type

nano ~/.kodi/userdata/disp_cap_3d

nano is a simple text editor. Type in the lines I posted above (or cut and paste them - how you paste depends on your ssh client). Save the file and exit nano (Ctrl-X - Y - Enter). Reboot.

Ok got it and it solved the problem!
SBS now playing at 24Hz.
Thank you very much!


Glad it’s working. For anyone following this thread, we should note that your Loewe TV has been retrofitted with HDR by a firmware upgrade and my working assumption is they didn’t get it quite right.

Just tried the 3D test pattern on RPi3, Zidoo Z9S and Vero 4K+ and honestly I’m not seeing any differences.

On RPi3, I recall the NTSC stuttering issue long time back, but it isn’t there w/the latest builds.

Just to say that the Vero4K+ is now my main player - good work guys. Hope that the 3D feature will be included in the main software tree

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Do you know what the reason was or when/how it was fixed?

Sorry, I don’t. Last I used a Pi was a couple of years ago. Only thing I can suggest is PM’ing Kodi devs @Popcornmix or @Milhouse at Kodi forum.

I already spoke to @popcornmix about this.

is this stable yet?
on normal vero 4k too?

Is it in mainline? if not, any idea when it will be?

Not stable yet, but about 75% there (just IMHO) and certainly usable for many 3D titles
Yes for regular Vero 4K as well
Not mainline yet

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i have now mounted my network drives via autofs/nfs and now its usable for all my files, even the really big 4K ISO. I would raise the count to 90% :-).

No news? No new post? Since several days. It’s everything ok?

What would you like to know?
We are still working on improvements.

Yes, everything’s ok. We’re still working on it, especially that stuttering problem seems to be a tough one.

@sam_nazarko and @tanio99
I’m sure you will sort out the stuttering problem on NTSC files .
At moment I’m using Zidoo x9s for those NTSC files.
Thanks for reply.

I was researching if there is a way to simply remove the NTSC flag (editing the MKV header or remuxing) just for giggles, but doesn’t look possible.

It can be ignored in ffmpeg, but doesn’t do much.