after updating my pi3+ to 2021.1 on boot i get no hdmi output whatsoever. I even tried using osmc_installer with a blank sd with same results, no hdmi output.
2020.10 works like a charm though.
As I dont have scren output I cannot log into the pi to debug or grab logs (no ssh working either).
Don’t mean to be rude, but on my first post I said that ssh is not working either.
Not trying to make circles with this, plain October’s image works fine, 2021.1 does not.
I cannot debug anything if I cannot get a shell or something (no ssh, and no video output).
Again, October image works fine. My tv and my PSU are the same.
I mention it as I had an issue with an update in the past that drew a bit more power than previous and it actually took my PSU past what it could supply maintaining sufficient voltage. That is also why I asked about the lights as if it is giving you a blink code that may give a hint of what is going on.
So the October update works fine but when you try to install the new update after it reboots then you don’t even get the blinking green lights showing it reading the boot files?
Well, it seems that the pi3b+ does not like the provided config.txt.
I fiddled with it a little bit and managed to get it to boot to a tty (no Kodi running still).
If i remove “dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-512” and set “dtoverlay=lirc-rpi” my pi boots with HDMI output (still no mediacenter starting, dont know why).