Bluetooth issues after March update

That’s right.

Ok will get him to do this. Apologies re a couple of addons he’ll have on there!

Cheers Sam

The log is showing version 1.7.6 of package armv7-network-osmc. The fix appeared in version 1.7.7.

So it needs to be updated again. (The last one was on 26 March.)

That’s really odd. Once you pushed the latest bluetooth fix on 26th March I got my brother to update his Vero and it fixed his harmony issues, as it did mine, so his device must have updated. I asked him to try updating a few hour ago and he got an error message. He just tried again and it updated - I’m confused. Anyway, seems to have done the trick for him. I’ll try and upload a log of my own soon as Bluetooth connectivity has definitely become patchy again. Thanks.

For reference, here’s his new log after updating.

Scroll up and you’ll see that Sam pushed the fix on 27 March. Bluetooth issues after March update - #52 by sam_nazarko

He’s now on v1.7.7 and the error no longer occurs.

Sorry, I hadn’t checked the dates properly…it was 27th March when my brother updated - an hour or so after you solved my bluetooth problem via this thread. Anyway, thanks for clarifying his system has now updated. Will send my logs as soon as possible.

Is it all working now?

He said it’s all working, thanks. My harmony on the other hand has stopped working. Going to do a fresh install tmrw and see how I go. Will send logs if problem occurs again. Cheers Sam

Ok, let me know how it goes.

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Lo. I’m having the same issue. I have to reinstall and now when I go to pairing it fails immediately on the harmony saying ‘connection to keyboard failed’. This is on vero4k with latest update. will provide logs later

`Enabled bluetooth
osmc@htpc:~$ systemctl status sdio-bt-firmware.service

  • sdio-bt-firmware.service - Vero3 Bluetooth support
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sdio-bt-firmware.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-09-03 20:31:59 BST; 2s ago
    Process: 3631 ExecStart=/usr/bin/hciattach -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 bcm43xx 2000000 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 3639 (hciattach)
    Memory: 84.0K
    CPU: 52ms
    CGroup: /system.slice/sdio-bt-firmware.service
    `-3639 /usr/bin/hciattach -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 bcm43xx 2000000

Sep 03 20:31:54 htpc systemd[1]: Starting Vero3 Bluetooth support…
Sep 03 20:31:59 htpc hciattach[3631]: bcm43xx_init
Sep 03 20:31:59 htpc hciattach[3631]: Flash firmware /etc/firmware/BCM4345C0.hcd
Sep 03 20:31:59 htpc hciattach[3631]: Set Controller UART speed to 2000000 bit/s
Sep 03 20:31:59 htpc hciattach[3631]: Device setup complete
Sep 03 20:31:59 htpc systemd[1]: Started Vero3 Bluetooth support.

The issue was fixed several months ago, so I suspect the issue is not related. I would suggest a new post with full logs.


Hi. Have you unplugged the harmony hub, powered it up again, then tried re-pairing? I always need to do this if trying to re-pair with a fresh install.

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Rebooted hub but issue persists:

Hi Sam. Same problem still despite rebooting hub. The harmony appears but dissapears when trying pairing.

Have you tried connecting using the commandline bluetoothctl?

Try putting the hub in pairing mode, then:

bluetoothctl (it will/should list all the MACs of BT devices)
remove <AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF> (substitute the MAC of the Harmony for that AA:BB...)
agent on
scan on (and wait for the Harmony to show up)
pair <AA:BB:......>
trust <AA:BB:....>
connect <AA:BB:....>

Post here any error messages you see.

Note that the hub will connect and disconnect when you are pairing and trusting but the connection should stick when you issue connect.

Hi Graham. Getting this


[NEW] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[CHG] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Connected: no
[DEL] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[bluetooth]# pair C8:DB:26:03:89:E1
Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 not available

Strange. Can you cut and paste the whole bluetoothctl session?

osmc@HTPC:~$ bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 10:D0:7A:AE:71:1D HTPC [default]
[NEW] Device E4:17:D8:B3:62:7C 8BitDo Adapter
[NEW] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[CHG] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Connected: no
[DEL] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[NEW] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[CHG] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Connected: no
[DEL] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[NEW] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[CHG] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Connected: no
[DEL] Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 Harmony Keyboard
[bluetooth]# remove C8:DB:26:03:89:E1
Device C8:DB:26:03:89:E1 not available

even wierder. You should always be able to remove a device, even if not connected :thinking: