Cannot see network files on vero 4k after reset

Well after trying Kodi 18 I now have a problem resetting the Vero 4k back to factory settings

I downloaded the image onto a USB stick, vero found it reloaded the software but now it no longer finds Windows network shares

Vero updates ok so the network is working (wired) and the PC’s on the network can see the PC that has all my media on but the vero sees nothing on the network

When I first unboxed the vero it found the shared PC no problem so it must be somthing I have done worng

Can anyone help ??

Not directly related to your up/downgrade but to a security patch that was applied recently. See here

Hi thanks for that… I will have go after work later

Bad news FSTAB based mounting gives me an error

How can I restore my vero 4k to the state is was in when I first used it?

Maybe a roll back to an earler dated file than august ?

It worked first time finding my share

Let’s see the contents of fstab

mount: /etc/fstab: parse error: ignore entry at line 3.

Is the error

Here is the line I added

// /mnt/THA-TV cifs x-systemd.automount,noauto,rw,iocharset=utf8,username=,password=,uid=osmc,gid=osmc,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770 0 0

All my media is on 9 shared drives on a W7 PC the PC is known as THA-TV
In the origanal version of vero all I did was brouse to THA-TV entered my username password and all 9 drives showed fine - My Shield Amazon prime and oppo work the same dead easy It would seem not so on this new version of vero that is a real shame

While I am willing to try little more I would be happer if you could tell me how to make the vero go back to how it was when I first used it. If that is no longer possable I will have to return it to the seller as not working any longer

You can download and install any version from the past from Download - OSMC.
Your problem however is actually that your fstab is malformed.

Please paste the output of

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

Reverting to an older version won’t fix your broken fstab line, but you are welcome to try.

Hopefully this was all on one line.

So if I have got this right an older version still will not work as the version did that I got out of the box

Yes it was on one line

No. That’s not right.

As this is ending up across two posts it’s going to be confusing,
Your /etc/fstab doesn’t look correct.

Please post the output of cat /etc/fstab and we can resolve the issue for you on the latest version.
Alternatively you can use the older version of OSMC, but beware of the risks involved.

I have to concur with Sam. This error tells me the line you added got split across two lines, hence, the parsing error.

Cant post the fstab cos it has my info in it but after a 2nd go it worked - but still get errors as can be seen here in screenshot

BTW I got my mate next door to lend me a micro SD card

Managed to go back to August f/w still no network share

I could be at this all night what version do I need for shares to work without a degree in Linix ?

A lot more thought should have gone into the idea of removing out of the box sharing, it is not good to have Kodi saying brouse for Windows shares and you disable it, not a good idea.

I wonder how much longer you will get good reviews now sharing does not work as the GUI says it should

Try this:

sudo mkdir /mnt/THA-TV
sudo mount /mnt/THA-TV

You could just go to Settings - Services - SMB Client and set it to SMB1 that should give you back your beloved function.

Watch out for your next Windows update


Then the problem isn’t OSMC related. Something is borked on your network.

We didn’t remove share support.
Security advisories were released which disabled browsing support.

We follow security advisories. Otherwise, people’s devices would be vulnerable, and then you would quite rightly complain that your computer got infected / ransomware etc because OSMC wasn’t secure and was a weak point in your network.

SMB browsing has also been disabled in Windows by default. They are also about to remove SMBv1 support as @fzinken has shown you. Only legacy devices which haven’t been receiving updates (and are therefore a security risk) still support SMB browsing.

However: SMB browsing isn’t necessary to mount shares in Kodi. You can just enter the name of the computer; share name and your username and password manually. Alternatively, if it’s working on an older version of OSMC, you can restore a backup via My OSMC.

The fact that you cannot mount shares via fstab or Kodi, even on an older version of OSMC, suggests something else is at play here.

We would need to see your fstab contents to advise. You could change the username and password or create a new account so that you can post it verbatim.

I hope this helps and we can get you up and running promptly. I understand having to manually enter some details is ballache. The decision wasn’t taken lightly however. The fact that Microsoft, Red Hat and many other vendors have also killed SMB browsing should be an indicator of the severity of the security problem, as well as why removing support for this was necessary.


Right a lot of ground to cover here

dillthedog said
“sudo mkdir /mnt/THA-TV
sudo mount /mnt/THA-TV

I have know idea what that means or what I am supposed to do with it

fzinken said
“You could just go to Settings - Services - SMB Client and set it to SMB1 that should give you back your beloved function.”

If that will get my shares back great I will try it but I should have liked that info at the start of this problem

“Watch out for your next Windows update”

I use W7 so your advice does not apply here

sam_nazarko said

“Then the problem isn’t OSMC related. Something is borked on your network.”

Sadly this is the standard answer when software goes wrong, blame somthing else , my network is working fine your Vero worked fine till I tried to load your latest version, In addition I have Kodi 17.4 running fine on a Amazon fire box & nvshield box, I can also see network shares on a W7 PC and a Oppo player so the fault must in in your box not my network

“You can just enter the name of the computer; share name and your username and password manually. Alternatively, if it’s working on an older version of OSMC, you can restore a backup via My OSMC.”

Where am I supposed to enter that info and what is the syntax I should use

My fstab as asked for

Try this first as it will be the easiest for your environment even if it means you will have a security issue but seems you are fine with that.

Add Videos - Browse - Add network location

no symbels just the name of the location ?

What are symbels?

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./ // \ " ’ . that sort of thing