[HOW-TO ALL PLATFORMS]Can I use Netflix on OSMC?(post 4)

Thanks for the additional links. So this looks quite experimental still, think I will wait a while in case this settles down.

I’ve installed the Netflix add-on, removed the ‘c’ so I could enter my account credentials. First run of an episode correctly installed the DRM software and started streaming, however the audio and subtitles are in German, I did not change any language settings. Any ideas how to correct this to English?


Hope this helps:

It links to a post later in the thread on how to change default audio and subtitles in Kodi, which the addon checks.

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When I try to follow the manual steps to install the crypto according to post #4, I get the message “sudo: pip: command not found”

Is there a way to fix this?


Have you installed python-pip package before that?

I hadn’t, no. Sorry, is that where I went wrong? I was just following the instructions in post #4. I was able to install setuptools and wheel, but not pycryptodomex.

My logs are at paste.osmc.tv/uxagayoloh


You must have missed the apt-get for python-pip and build-essentials. You could use the script instead of the manual way, I used it like a few days ago and it was working fine.

But if you still have issues I’ll gladly do a clean install and try to reproduce any errors.

Ah apologies Joakim, I feel rather foolish now for not reading your instructions more carefully. It all works fine, and widevine is being downloaded as I type.

Thanks for taking the time to answer such a straightforward question.


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This is awesome! Got it set up and installed, set MMAL and set limit Down To 720 (tried down to 480 too) however some videos work and others have no sound what so ever. Tried different episodes of same show and some work perfectly others no sound at all.

This is RPI3 running the April update. Any ideas?

I had the same, many videos without sound for some reason.
Setting the sound to Dolby in the config fixed that for me.

Sadly this has not resolved my issue. It seems random, but if an episode does not work it will not work on future attempts either. (So at least consistent in that respect)

Hi, this morning I’ve done a clean install of the April update onto a Pi3 model B, and then followed joakim_s’ instructions at the top of this post with no problems. Everything seemed to install correctly (no error messages) and after logging in to my Netflix account and trying to play a first show the WideVine stated it installed correctly but no shows will play.

The OSMC “egg timer” plays for a fraction of a second, stops, starts again for 0.5 - 1second but no Netflix shows play.

No error messages appear so I don’t have a clue what to do to correct this. Is anyone able to help. All logs are here https://paste.osmc.tv/aqehojemoq

Thanks in advance

Sorry I can’t reproduce.

Hello, I have tried the script with recent April’s update and whereas plugin seems to be installed, I cannot log into my account.

When I click on addon’s options, there is an already existing account (don’t know where it came from) and when I click on “Logout” expecting to log out and be able to type my user credentials, addon just executes, prompting an error log on the screen, which I cannot locate on osmc’s log registry.

EDIT: after uninstalling and marking to delete related data, the same user still appears when re-installing the plugin.

There is a label, misslabeled to 30059c in settings for addon, which should read switch user login, try choseing that and login with your credentials.

Yes, you are right that there is a label named 30059c (I thought it was a username), but if I click on it the dialog box closes and tries to run the addon, prompting an error (which doesn’t seem to be logged, as I cannot see it from Kodi’s interface). The same happens if I click on the label below, named “Logout”.

I’m sorry i can advise right now, my pi for experimenting with Netflix has had a miss happening with the HDMI->DVI cable due to kids. So I’m without any screen I can experiment with, will install VNC-server soon though.

You can try the suggestion here

Thank you! It didn’t work, but since they were talking about a non-translated string, it gave me the clue to fix it: I reverted the interface into English, and even though the label was still missing, it worked when clicking on it!

Guys I recently found this thread and installed netflix using the instructions in the first given by @joakim_s, but once i started playing an episode, the episode plays for 2-3 seconds and then buffers a lot and the voice and video dont match at all, could anyone tell me if there is a new and updated version of this addon if so could they send the installer code? Also can anyone tell me how to adjust video quality?