[HOW-TO ] retrOSMCmk2: a RetroPie installer on the Vero4K

New here. Got a fresh install of newest OSMC working (Kodi Matrix v19) on Raspberry PI 4. Want to get Retropie, but am reading oldish messages about retrosmc script not working on OSCMatrix/pi4 systems, with move to Python3.

Saw hissingshark created retrOSMCmk2 to address issues:https://github.com/hissingshark/retrOSMCmk2

But that hasn’t been updated if I’m reading correctly since 8/29/2021, but in the interim I see some complaints of only being able to run Retropie off CLI and launcher not working, and even then, prohibitively laggy.

Is that still the case or is retrOSMCmk2 largely working?

Not even sure if this is the right thread to post or this one:

As much as I hate crossposting, will put this post there, too.

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