[HOW-TO ] retrOSMCmk2: a RetroPie installer on the Vero4K

  1. No idea I’m afraid. I don’t have any Bluetooth controllers myself to test and I’m not clued up on the spec of the hardware.
  2. I don’t think dual booting is supported - but most important those images look like they are for the RPi, so they wouldn’t boot on a Vero4K anyway. Also, why would you want to do this?

Both are fixed. Thanks for reporting.

Thanks for fixing, I can confirm that I was able to reinstall the Core and could boot into Emulation Station.

So far so good. However, Bluetooth doesn’t seem to be working. I’m trying to setup my Bluetooth SF30 Pro pad from 8bitdo; I’ve been able to do this from within Kodi itself. When I go into My OSMC and then Network, Enable Bluetooth and the activate the Discovery mode I get a list of loads of different Bluetooth devices in the vicinty, of which one was my pad. Was able to pair in Kodi and get it working fine - even had a go with the built in Retroplayer and tried a Snes game through the built in emulator. However in RetroPie, when I go to Register Bluetooth device, there is no list shown at all. It’s almost like it’s completely deactivated.

Edit: Nevermind, I got it working by setting it up in My OSMC while simultaneously running the RetroPie Bluetooth configuration through an SSH session. Seems like you have to leave both Enable Bluetooth and Start/Stop Discovery permanently active. I also set up the udev rule and enabled Background mode.

For anyone who wants a bit of help with 8bitdo Bluetooth controllers, I recommend these two links:



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Never tried one myself. Not sure if @joakim_s has.
Have you tried any of this in RetroPie on the RPi before?

Updated my previous post; I finally got it working by setting it up through an SSH session while I was in My OSMC on my TV. Haven’t tested out any games yet but the controller is working in Emulation Station.

I’ve installed it without the sdl problem during the basic install. Thanks ! I did got a sdl error when downloading the additional packages. I can now open Retro pie. I’m new to the software. Is it as easy as adding roms and the programm understands all Rom types? If so can i simply connect a usb disk with rom files and use the file locater in the Retropie setup?

Essentially the ROMs for each emulated system you have installed will need to be placed in their respective folders under ~/RetroPie/roms/. Emulationstation checks there when it starts.

There are instructions here regarding using a USB drive for ROMs with RetroPie.

I asssume the SDL2 messages were just informative rather than actual errors, otherwise nothing would work.

Spent a while myself trying to get roms to load off the SD card (the one you can insert into the Vero rather than it’s own internal NAND). I think by default the USB Mount Service is not installed in RetrOSMC by default; I had to install it from the Retropie Setup Menu (I think it’s in the Opt folder). I did try the automount method by creating a “retropie-mount” folder but it didn’t work. So what I did instead was SSH into the Vero, drop into the RetroPie Roms folder, then the Snes sub folder, in my case, and add a symlink, e.g.

osmc@osmc:~/RetroPie/roms/snes$ sudo ln -s /media/ROMS/SNES USB0

This did the trick for me and now Emulation Station can find all the Snes roms that are on the External SD card.

Quick question: is the RetroArch XMB supposed to make sounds as you scroll around in it? Key sounds don’t seem to be enabled for me; and in fact everytime I drop into RetroArch I briefly get an error message flash up about “VolumeControl” unable to find a mixer.

I can get sound playing the Roms themselves though, and in Emulation Station, scrolling around the options… Just not RetroArch.

The “mixer” message is in the background from Emulationstation and of no consequence.

I’ve tried XMB and never noticed any GUI sounds (I’d turn them off if there were and I could anyway - same in Kodi and ES :slightly_smiling_face:)

And good call with the use of symlinks. I do the same and keep everything on my NAS instead.

Whilst researching the recording for @Foxy_Stoat I came across the enhanced resolution core option for PSX. Can’t believe I’d not found this sooner. Crash Team Racing looks way smarter with that on.

Just out of interest, have you tried the ‘ad hoc’ Start Recording option i.e. without setting up a specific emulators.cfg? In RetroArch I tried using the Quick Menu “Start Recording” option on a Snes rom I had loaded, and all that happened is I crashed out back into Emulation Station. I tried messing about with the Recording options in RetroArch’s main menu, setting it to Medium quality, and also setting the output directory for recordings in the Directories section. But I get booted out as soon as I choose Start Recording. I enable verbose logging and the last entries in runcommand.log are:

[matroska @ 0xab914470] Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is dep$
[matroska @ 0xab914470] Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is dep$
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh: line 1247: 8059 Bus error $

Just wondering if you’re able to replicate this; I think this is supposed to be the new, easier way of making recordings now but I can’t find much information online about it.

In the testing I did for you in my earlier posts I did notice that. But as I said it was working using a config. I think those guides I linked to mentioned the in-emulator option wasn’t working yet. May be a work in progress.

By the way, those errors are truncated so there may be more information there. I’m guessing “dep$” was going to say “depreciated” for example. It’s something to Google for anyway.

Have you set up your streaming account yet?

Everything works now , thanks @hissingshark ! I also added the roms by using a ftp client into the Rom section… Still i think that in the end it would be the best solution to have a switchable boot option 1 osmc for video content , option 2 a fully installed retropie image on a external (sd) disk like the video here ; 256gb Retropie 4.5.1 King Build For Pi 3 B+ - 20,000+ Games - YouTube

Does anybody know if a construction like this would be possible on the vero 4k+?

Greets and thanks for all the help allready given.

I’m glad you’re up and running now. Like @Foxy_Stoat you arrived at a difficult time it seems. These things will happen.

Everything that can run on the Vero4K already is installable here. Emulationstation is just a click away via the addon (a button press if you configure a shortcut on your TV remote!). Rebooting would take much longer.
So I’m still not clear on what the advantage is with this. They’re just RetroPie images?

EDIT - checked that video - that’s not an official RetroPie image - they are “fully loaded” with the ROMs already. There’s a reason the official RetroPie images aren’t like that - and we are just porting RetroPie to the Vero4K. But good luck to you.

Haven’t set up streaming yet; I was keen to first try a few test recordings to see how well the Vero coped with the load. I did finally get the in-emulator recording working by toggling the GPU Recording option in the Recording settings. However trying to play the game was impossible, it was so choppy. Weirdly though, the outputted .mkv file was not choppy at all. But the result was really strange; I was expecting a widescreen image with the Snes game centred in the middle, black borders at the side. What I got was a recording of the windowed viewport; a 4:3 image at 1440x1080, and VLC was reporting the frame rate at 1000 fps!!! So I’m not sure what is going on there…seems to be something in the way that RetroArch is set up to scale the video. I think it’s pushing the Vero too hard; I might try tinkering with the Video settings, try and get the full HDMI output at 720p. But I’m not sure how to fix FFMPEG only recording the viewport rather than the whole screen.

@hissingshark i saw during the basic install that retroarch is installed as well. I can’t find this program anywhere on my Vero 4K+. Is it actually fully installed ? I would like to use this in combination with IAGL instead of transfering all the roms manualy myself

Basic install gives you Retroarch yes, and I think 27 emulator cores. It provides the majority of the emulation. If you have transferred in your ROMs for any of those cores then Retroarch is how they’ll launch from Emulationstation.

The Retroarch binary is at /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch
If you just run that from the command line it should launch into it’s own menu, as a quick test to prove it’s there.

@hissingshark yeah it boots up. Is it possible to link retropie at iagl or would you advise retroarch linked to IAGL. I use a Vero 4K+ so I don’t know if it is even possible. I know that I can link a external program to IAGL in the setttings.

I know nothing about it I’m afraid. Hadn’t heard of it until you asked!