[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

I read some posts where it was connected as keyboard with retropie. If it won’t connect with osmc in that mode, you could start a new thread about that problem.

I also read that you can use it with an usb cable directly.

the (S)NES30 does not connect to OSMC in keyboard mode. I believe this is a firmware bug. Connect using Start + R and follow my workaround here:

Since you are using a NES30 pro, you may need to make some small changes from what I provided.

Here is another post where someone built off of my workaround:

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Just done the first part with the rules file, got it working via bluetooth in emulationstation!
Think you have set me in the right direction
Many many thanks! :smiley: :smiley:

As emulationstation autoconfigures the retroarch controls, it might be all you need. Did you try an emulator with it after configuring in emulationstation?
Udev might not go through the chroot as the chroot has its own udevrules that don’t get called as the deamon is not running there.

Its all fully working now :smiley:
I did have to finish following @jboy guide, since whilst the controller worked in emulationstation it seemed to pass through the wrong control config to retroarch, after manually editing the retroarch controller config file it works brilliantly.

My hats off to @mcobit for managing to combine the excellent osmc and full retropie setup into one working system, and thanks @jboy for the help with getting my controller working.


Apologies if this is adressed elsewhere, but what are the key differences between the previous version and a “full” installation of retropie? What would be the main advantage of upgrading to the new version?

Now this is a full repropie installation with all ports and emulators retropie provides.
In the last version before this, there was only support for retroarch emulators and scummvm.
Also you can update the binaries via the retropie-setup script now. No need to reinstall everything if you want to update your emulators.

Edit: You can also install it on a n ext4 formatted usb stick or external hdd now.
It is more like a dualboot without restarting the pi.

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Good work!

I added some nice transitions for the switching between kodi and emulationstation.
Also I added some scripts update functionality.

If you redownload the installationscript, you can from now on update it and the other scripts without the need for a complete reinstallation.

Have a lot of fun!

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And here is a (boring) video showing the installation (well, not really, but explaining it) and a bit of switching between KODI and emulationstation.


When launching a game a briefly see an error that there is no ALSA device and I don’t get any sound. My RPi2 is connected via HDMI to my receiver. Is this a limitation with HDMI or did I forget to configure something? I’ve tried in setup ‘Auto’ and ‘HDMI’ but none seem to work.

The sound module should be loaded on start of the chroot.

Not sure what goes wrong here.

Have you installed the latest version?

Edit: Try to quit and restart emulationstation.

Do you know if installing it on a network share possible / usable? (I have it mounted on startup)

I installed the latest chroot version. Sound module is loaded, /dev is mounted. I can see /dev/snd/pcm* devices.
When I start retropie audio config I see a message pass about SDL and ALSA mixer (it flashes so fast it’s hard to read) and in games I do not get any audio.

I did it at home and it works. Just try it and report the result :slight_smile:

Edit: Has to be nfs though as you need unix rights management.

Not sure why this should happen then :frowning:
Probably it’s not good to change the config in retropie. Didn’t try this myself…

Only did that because I had no sound. I will trash the install and try again.

Wait. Can you try to insert the kernel module manually before starting emulationstation? There is probably an error we don’t see.

sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835

currently re-installing (just erased /opt/retrosmc). I did check the module was loaded so don’t think that is the problem.

Pi 1 or Pi 2?