[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

@mcobit thanks fella ill have to try tomorrow now just started work :cry:

But don’t worry.
It is good to remind me that there are people who just want things to work easily and not want to fiddle with stuff. Especially when they come from Windows world.

@mcobit thats definitely me mate. ill have to brush up on Linux skills and learn something new lol

Early days and still alpha, so there is room for improvement for this script :wink:

@mcobit thanks for your patience mate

@mcobit hi again mate is there a tutorial I can follow ive done what you said and its just not working getting a bit inpatient with it now lol when I installed the other day copy and paste roms worked fine I’m using the exact same img that I did then and I could open the rom folder in retropie but now I cant lol sorry to be a pain

It works a bit differently now. So it might just not be very intuitive. You can also directly move the roms to /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes

Dunno if makes a difference, but I tend not to use samba to copy files on my pis.
Have you tried using winscp to transfer ROMS https://www.barnesian.com/how-to-transfer-files-to-the-raspberry-pi-using-sftp/
User and pass being ‘osmc’, you just need to find the ip of your pi

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That would be the best and easiest option.

@mcobit @Dazstrad thanks guys it worked thanks a lot

Anyone else experiencing problems?

I tried running it from my mounted NAS, I get the startup video but then it goes back to osmc
From the command line:

osmc@osmc:~/RetroPie$ /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retropie.sh
osmc@osmc:~/RetroPie$ Video codec omx-h264 width 1920 height 1080 profile 578 fps 12.000000
Subtitle count: 0, state: off, index: 1, delay: 0
Error: Unable to open font
V:PortSettingsChanged: 1920x1080@12.00 interlace:0 deinterlace:0 anaglyph:0 par:1.00 layer:100000
Video codec omx-h264 width 1920 height 1080 profile 578 fps 12.000000
Subtitle count: 0, state: off, index: 1, delay: 0
Error: Unable to open font
V:PortSettingsChanged: 1920x1080@12.00 interlace:0 deinterlace:0 anaglyph:0 par:1.00 layer:0
have a nice day ;)
Job for mediacenter.service canceled.
have a nice day ;)

Any logs that you want? (Or should we just conclude that it doesn’t work and leave it at that?)

Try to delete /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/video.sh
If that still doesn’t work: Does your nas need to wake up when starting retropie or are the hdds always spinned up?
I noticed some timing problems myself when the drives need to wake up.
In this case, you can try to modify retropie.sh so that it waits longer before stopping kodi. Add a sleep 10 before the systemctl stop mediacenter line.

Edit: Or increase the sleeptime in retropie_watchdog.sh at the start from 8 to as long as your nas needs to spin up the hdds.

Edit2: you might also need to restart or kill emulationstation or kodi.bin if there are multiple instances because something went wrong.
You can check with top.

The drives should be spinning all the time but just in case I did all the things above but to no avail

What do you seenow after deleting video.sh when the transition should happen? Do you see the emulationstation loadingscreen?

You could try something else for me, too:

Edit the chroot.sh file and delete the emulationstation after the chroot command.

Then stop kodi and run the chroot.sh file.
You should be in the retropie chroot commandline then.

Try to start emulationstation by typing emulationstation from there and post the output here. There might be some output to diagnose the probelm.

Edit: Almost forgot to say thank you for reporting. :slight_smile:

I got a silly problem, I got stuck with Zak McKraken (Amiga) nagging about Disk 2 :smiley: and I couldn’t get out and I “kill -9” all pid’s that seem to be from the emulator but I couldn’t get back to Kodi.

What am I supposed to do to get back to Kodi?

So kill -9 $(pidof uae4all) doesn’t help?
Try to google how to quit that emulator.
And for that game you could also use scummvm.

Ctrl+Esc will bring up the menu where you can load the next disk and press resume.

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kill -9 didn’t help

Ctrl+Esc is the magic :slight_smile:
Although I started to remember the old days hitting cancel also helps (some disk had data removed to make them smaller)

p.s. to let this show up in a search for working input devices: using a cheap LoFree keyboard / touch pad (works, not really convenient) and a cheap bluetooth Ipega controller (intended to snap on a mobile) and it got recognised.

Esc only works in the retroarch emulators. The uae4all used here isn’t in retroarch so doesn’t have the common keybindings for exiting.

When running the chroot.sh I get

df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory

When running emulationstation I get the following msgs

ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	EmulationStation - v2.0.1a, built Aug  2 2015 - 15:33:54
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Creating surface...
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Created window successfully.
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Added unconfigured joystick DragonRise Inc.   Generic   USB  Joystick   (GUID: 03000000790000000600000010010000, instance ID: 0, device index: 0).
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Added unconfigured joystick DragonRise Inc.   Generic   USB  Joystick   (GUID: 03000000790000000600000010010000, instance ID: 1, device index: 1).
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Added unconfigured joystick USB gamepad            (GUID: 030000001f08000001e4000010010000, instance ID: 2, device index: 2).
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Added unconfigured joystick 058F312D81A Modiotek USB Headset (GUID: 03000000e7030000010d000010010000, instance ID: 3, device index: 3).
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Checking available OpenGL extensions...
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	 ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: MISSING
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won't be logged:
lvl2: 	Loading system config file /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
/usr/bin/emulationstation: line 17:   897 Aborted                 $es_bin "$@"

Oh and I’m mounting my nfs drive using fstab with the following /home/osmc/nosejob  nfs hard,sync,intr,rw,x-systemd.automount,noauto