[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Open the installscript in an editor.
Should be along the first lines. Current is 0.007.


Clean installed osmc from NOOBS, then added retrosmc (0.007), did binary install.
Got the following error : “Could not install package(s) : rbp-userland-dev-osmc”.
Is it something that should worry me?

Not really. At least not in the scope of retrosmc. This is a dev package of osmc that gets pulled in via the installation aparently.

RetroPie always tries to install the dev packages for everything. It doesn’t need them for the binary installation though.

Installed this over the weekend and tried out a few emulators. Working great on the ones I tried except for 2 :slightly_smiling: Amiga Emulation not working for me and MAME keep saying not the right ROM / missing files.

for the Amiga I got this under /tmp/runcommand.log - /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh: line 703: /home/osmc/Retro
Pie/roms/amiga/+Start UAE4All.sh: Permission denied

Not sure why this is, but you can of course try a sudo chown osmc:osmc /home/osmc/Retro
Pie/roms/amiga/+Start UAE4All.sh

MAME is very picky about its roms and versions. Different mames use different romsets. Please google the specifics or have a look at the retropie wiki.
Also some roms will need parent roms to run. Like romhacks or alternative versions using part of the original. And mame roms need to be zipped btw.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Silly me :slightly_smiling: I have the roms folder mapped via nfs and I have to include “exec” in the option in order to run UAE4All files.

I will check MAME4ALL and see if I can get the right ROMS.

Very good. I think you need the 0.45 or 0.49 set for mame4all. 0.106 for advancedmame.

I installed retrosmc on a raspberry pi 2, added one rom (puzzle fighter, in FBA rom dir) and tried to launch it.

Didn’t launch, went to log file and saw this :

/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch: error while loading shared libraries: libxkbcommon.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I then went to the directory in ssh, tried to execute it from shell and got the same result. What does this mean? Why does running an FBA rom launch retroarch and not fba? Is this how retroarch works behind the scenes? What can I do to solve it?

Press the x button when launching the rom and choose a different emulator.
There are multiple emulators for a system in retropie. Often the retroarch one is the default one.

Please refer to the retropie documentation and raise a bug report at their github with mentioning that you are running on osmc.

You can also try to issue the followibg vommand via ssh and see if it solves the problem:
sudo apt-get install libxkbcommon0

Thanks, I sshed, ran the install script again, and manually installed retroarch again. It solved it.

Yeh we have dependencies set for libxkbcommon-dev - so it’s possible you removed it after installing initially or something else happened.

When you install ps3 drivers, OSMC bluetooth service stop working (as you can see when you run “systemctl --failed”) though ps3 gamepad works well.
Any idea?

Now you say it… same here, something about permission denied for /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd, but when you try to run it with sudo it gives command not found.

Do a sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd and after that a systemctl start bluetooth and it runs fine.

The only weird thing is that it unsets the execute flag when you reboot and when you try to start the service it gives this message:
Warning: Unit file of bluetooth.service changed on disk, 'systemctl daemon-reload' recommended. Job for bluetooth.service failed. See 'systemctl status bluetooth.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.

I tried reinstalling the bluez package, which corrected the permissions again, but after a reboot again the file was changed… @sam_nazarko you know how this can be caused?

That path is only in the PATH variable of osmc, not root it seems. Also it looks like RetroPie installs it over the original version with root permissions.

Not sure why though. Probably PATH variables and path permissions differ from osmc and retropie.

Probably somethibg exobuzz could look into. As said, I have no bluetoothgear.

I made a copy of the file bluetoothd to toothblued and that one stayed with execution bit… kinda strange!

have the problem does not start the emulation station
the splash screen is visible under 1sec.
then osmc is back for 5sec be seen after a console for 2-3sec comes afterwards is osmc normal back.

any one ideas?

Uhm… so the splash screen can be seen and then it goes black and doesn’t return to kodi?
Did it work before or doesn’t it work just now?
Do you have hyperion running?
Are you running from a networkinstall?
Is there anything in emulationstation log?
You did choose cancel after binaries installation, right? Not restart?
What does it show when it shows the comandline?

after start i return to kodi.
didn’t work any time
What is a networkinstall? h
have clone ur git and start script.

i have try in putty


ES splashscreen start under a sec. and back to kodi.

in Putty stand
Permission denied: “/root/RetroPie/roms/amiga”
/usr/bin/emulationstation: line 12:

Why /root ???

can’t found a emulationstation log

only putty this:
osmc@osmc:~/RetroPie-Setup$ emulationstation
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: EmulationStation - v2.0.1a, built Jan 17 2016 - 19:46:36
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: Creating surface…
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: Created window successfully.
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: Checking available OpenGL extensions…
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: MISSING
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be logged:
lvl2: Loading system config file /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg…
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘boost::filesystem::filesystem_error’
what(): boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: “/root/RetroPie/roms/amiga”
/usr/bin/emulationstation: line 12: 773 Aborted $es_bin “$@”

sry for english ^^

Did you start the installation while being root?
You should do it as user osmc. Please read the instructions in the first post carefully.