Intermittently “no signal” on TV when switching to Vero 4k+ on Kodi v19.1


I could reproduce it with older versions of v19, but not since v19.3.
I found that unplugging the TV for some time solved the issue. Otherwise the TV was changing, but to the wrong source.

Thanx for your reply.
What was responsible for the issue in 19 that was remedied in 19.3?
Should I wait for 19.4 then?
I can not see any other solution in my problem, beyond the reboot every 5 days.
What about the other users that reported the same issue? Have they solved it somehow?

The thread has been relatively quiet – so I’m not sure the issue is widespread or still present for other users.

Can you reproduce the issue on demand, or is it only occasionally?

When it happens, does systemctl restart mediacenter bring back the UI?

I will try it the next time that the issue occurs.
Till now, when it happens, I restore it with reboot.

The issue hasn’t occurred for me for several weeks now but has definitely happened on 19.3. I will try restarting mediacenter if I encounter it again.

Thanks for keeping an eye on this for us Sam.

Def. happening for me on occasion (very rare, though); vero4k+ → Pioneer lx505 → LG C1 … it also seems to freak out my AVR when this happens (12V trigger acts super flaky, won’t even output it’s ‘setup menu’ screen)… I’ll try to grab some logs/restart the daemon next it happens.


Much obliged.

If this can be seen as the same issue I reported
Vero 4k+ and loss of display after a long idle time
then I still have to use my custom Harmony remote action “Kodi reboot” occasionally with the latest December 19.3 version.
By occasionally, I am measuring it in weeks rather than days: so perhaps every 2 weeks rather than after 2 days.
Symptoms are the same: switch my TV setup over to the Vero input, and the display stays blank and I can’t “wake it up”.
Harmony reboot option works every time, and I sometimes see the shutdown text before the reboot but not always.
(GUI is still set to 1080p)

Can you try with a fresh ~/.kodi directory?


Hi Sam,
I hesitantly say “yes”, I can try that.
My hesitation/concern is that I have several important Kodi settings/customisations that I need to use (such as passwords.xml, keymap, Emby addon, etc.) so I would need to reconfigure those and restore/edit certain XML files.
So I guess, to make it a valid test, I need to know what are you trying to get “reset to defaults” by asking me to do this, so that I don’t just go and make changes that just make the whole test moot?

I hoped that OSMC’s March update with Kodi v19.4 would solve the issue, but unfortunately this is not the case.

Moreover, systemctl restart mediacenter does not bring back the GUI.

Can you upload some fresh logs if this happens again?



Sam, thank you for your time.

As I have said in my first posts, while the “grab-logs -A” command" seemed to work for the first couple of days returning a address, when the problem occurs 5-6-7 days later, it returns a response. It seems that due to the log file size (?) it fails if the debug stays on for a certain extended time.

So I am not able to provide a log file that includes the issue this way, unless it occurs within e.g. 48 hours.

What I can do, is to provide some logs that I have available from a period that the problem was present.

Thanks again.
