OSMC and Hyperion

If you have unused LEDs at the end of the tape you should be able to reduce the LED count accordingly and they will be ignored.

No idea what’s happening with YouTube. I’ve not encountered anything like that myself.

The LEDs reflect what Kodi is doing, not the actual screen, so they aren’t affected by turning the TV off. The easiest thing to do is dial them to black with the phone app. If you don’t stop the Hyperion service as well I think the selected colour might timeout eventually and start grabbing again - mileage may vary there. Having said that you can do this in one go via hyperion-remote on the commandline and therefore an SSH shortcut type phone app.


So changing the count of the bottom LEDs should change it?

YouTube - Will restart it and stuff to see if that fixes it - it’s very strange!

Rebooted and I get this when playing a video from youtube

If i do sudo systemctl stop hyperion

the video starts to play perfectly fine again.

Can you set them to off if/when kodi goes to screen saver - Solved - set the screen saver to “black” not dim and it’s all good!

YouTube issue is even odder…

These :: RGB Test Sequence - YouTube all give similar output to above (static most of the page)

but this Atmolight / Ambilight Test Video - YouTube plays fine.

similar issues no matter if I share from my phone’s youtube app via Yatse or if I load the YouTube plugin directly on the Vero and load the video.

The videos you linked play fine here.

I’m was testing a more recent Hyperion build which seems to be ok, so I’ve updated the installer to download that one now. You could re-clone my repo and give it a try.

The only other difference here is that I’m currently testing the 4.9 kernel. I have things to test on the 3.14, so when I re-install for that I’ll retest your clips.

Does reinstalling wipe the config? Or will it just overwrite the binaries etc?

I’ll give it a go later today though :slight_smile: thanks for testing!

Config is usually unaffected

So, did a git pull inside the hyperion-vero4k folder and re-ran setup.sh (and did install from binaries again)

config wasn’t destroyed :partying_face:

YouTube still does the above if hyperion is running.

Doing sudo systemctl stop hyperion fixes the issue and the youtube video plays fine again :frowning:

(For ref I think I’m on the mainline Vero4K+ build
uname -a
Linux osmc 3.14.29-157-osmc #1 SMP Fri Mar 20 01:38:33 UTC 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I wonder if @sam_nazarko may have any insight in to why? Happy to provide any useful log? (not sure what you’d need)

Final set up is vero 4k+ ->denon 4500h -> Samsung q9fn

How to reproduce:
Play a YouTube video on vero while the hyperion service is running -> fuzzy Green rubbish output.

Ssh to vero and stop the hyperion service -> YouTube video plays as normal (even if you stop the service while the video is playing).
Thus it has to be something to do with the way the hdmi grabbing bit of hyperion works?

Is the YouTube content you’re playing VP9?

The working and non-working test streams are both reading as h264.
It did occur to me that I’m running without the multi-instance decoder at the moment, but I’ve put that back temporarily and it still works for me.
The 3.14/4.9 difference is still the only obvious factor. I know Tanio99 was doing some work on the amlgrabber for 4.9. He may have fixed something in the process. I’m afraid I still haven’t been in a position to re-install 3.14 yet.

Thats exactly what I am looking for but I have not yet a grasp on how to set it all up. My situation is as follows: I have a Vero 4K+, and I have a NodeMCU running the current WLED release and an LED strip connected and working with teh WLED effects.

Is there anything else on the hardware side that I need to set this up?
Will hyperion run on the Vero4K+ and talk to the WLED on NoceMCU vie Wifi and that’s it?

That would be so awesome!

hey @kruhati thats exactly how it works. just use @hissingshark’s excellent installer to install the binaries. configure your led setup and connect it to the nodemcu with the wled installation.

use udpraw as protocol on port 19446 and your ip on your hyperionconfig for the connection to the nodemcu

i had one issue regarding the signal length of the data pin, so I needed one pixel to amplify the signal… but this might be no problem for you if it works with the wled effects so far.

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Wow that sounds easy, thank you so much!
Just to be sure, Hyperion’s descripton talks about Vero4K.
Does it also work for Vero4K+ ?

yeah, i have a 4k+ myself.

I have the WebUI up and running, but it does not yet push anything to the WLED device when Kodi plays a video.

The vero needs a reboot so that it starts sending to the WLED device.

I run WLED 0.10.0 on a NodeMCU v3 and Hyperion 2.0.0-alpha.5 on OSMC on a Vero 4K+ for Kodi. The Hyperion feed is received by WLED for a minute or so. While it does that, the WLED Web UI is not available.

Then WLED seems to drop out of the Hyperion mode, it does not receive the UDP stream any more and just display all LEDs in orange color. Then the WLED Web UI is available again.

When the WLED device is rebooted, the Hyperion mode kicks back in again for a minute or so.

I thought maybe it is the Home Assistant integration on the native WLED API and removed that, but that did not help. I have no sync interfaces active, except for Realtime UDP.

  1. Any ideas why WLED drops the Hyperion feed after some time?

The other issue is the lag I am experiencing, changes on the screen are reflected with quite a lag by the WLED NodeMCU v3. What are reasonable values in Hyperion for:?

  1. Refresh time
  2. Latch time

Hyperion on Vero 4K+ is connected to a managed VLAN, the same VLAN that the WLED NodeMCU is using via WiFi (2.4GHz). Shouldn’t this be fast enough?

  1. What is the limiting factor here? Vero 4K+? Network? NodeMCU? Number of LEDs (300, SK2812)?

No worries - thanks for even considering going back to 3.14! Hopefully when the next major version of OSMC drops it’ll all work :slight_smile: (I can live without YouTube for the mo!)

The colours are so much better than on the previous setup too – probably due to me not setting the grabber image up correctly but - damn, they look amazing :smiley:

I’ve re-installed everything with the 3.14 image and both streams are playing fine here. Perhaps something in your YouTube settings is different?

My Hyperion.ng is a straight forward 96 LED USB/Adalight configuration.

If the nodemuc receive a udp data stream the webui is disabled regarding effects, you should get a message on the webui there. check the star in the left right corner, there you can go back to the udp stream… regarding your refresh time, I have no clue sorry. mine is also on a 2.4 wifi, since iirc the nodemcu is 2.4 wifi only. maybe you need to finetune your hyperion config?

Well, but what are the crucial parameters for this kind of problem?